Center of Creative Arts and COCABiz: case study in innovation and adaptive capacity

Center of Creative Arts and COCABiz: case study in innovation and adaptive capacity

By Jamie Gamble


This is an in-depth US-based case study documenting the successes of COCABiz: a programme of the Center for Creative Arts that supports the business community in St. Louis, Missouri with integration of artistic practices. COCABiz was a project incubated in's Innovation Labs for the Performing Arts programme in 2009, and has since grown into a successfully integrated initiative of the Center of Creative Arts.


Participating in the Innovation Lab led to a breakthrough in COCA’s thinking about how they might develop an arts-based business training program. The main thrust of COCAbiz is a collection of hands-on, immersive workshops that use dance, theater, writing, and art and design to introduce applicable techniques and generate
relevant business insights. A teaching artist or a team of artists as well as an organizational development consultant or business strategist leads every COCAbiz program.

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Innovation Insight Participation
Resource type: Case studies | Published: 2015