Building partnerships: a toolkit for literature organisations and libraries
Building partnerships: a toolkit for literature organisations and libraries
Writers’ Centre Norwich
New Writing South
Arts Council South East
Literature organisations and libraries share a commitment to the power of reading and writing to achieve positive social change. It is in this spirit that this toolkit has been devised to help literature organisations and libraries build good partnerships. It has been published as part of a piece of research commissioned by Arts Council South East from New Writing South (NWS) and Writers’Centre Norwich (WCN) called Building Partnerships: A Report on Literature Organisations and Libraries in the South East And East.
Collaboration between literature organisations and libraries:
- produces high quality creative experiences that engage a wide range of people in the discovery and enjoyment of reading and writing
- brings together, rather than duplicates, complementary expertise of literature organisations and libraries (e.g. in working with writers or with local communities)
- builds a vibrant, joined-up offer for reading and writing within the cultural life of a place and community as a whole
- builds the sustainability for reading and writing in a highly challenging economic climate
Resource type: Guide/tools | Published: 2014