Branding within the arts market

Branding within the arts market

By Professor Ashok Ranchhod


How we communicate our brand to audiences is crucial. In this article the author takes a look at the issues we need to consider more generally when approaching branding within the arts market. You'll find an outline of the benefits of branding for visitors and donors, examples of co-branding and re-branding, drivers of customer equity and how to build it, and the future of branding relationships.

Brand Loyalty: Encourages customers to buy a particular brand time after time and remain insensitive to competitors’ offerings.

Brand Awareness: Brand names attract attention and convey images of familiarity. This can be translated into how large a percentage of customers know the brand name and relates to whether people will use the brand again in future and whether it delivers a quality experience that people will like.

Perceived Quality: ‘Perceived’ means that the customers decide upon the level of quality, not the company.

Brand Associations: The values and the personality linked to the brand.

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Brand Communication Strategy
Resource type: | Published: 2013