BME engagement with London museums and galleries
BME engagement with London museums and galleries
Strategic Urban Futures Ltd
This research investigates why London's museums and galleries do not attract an audience that more truly reflects the diverse multi cultural and multi ethnic demographic character of the capital's resident community. The research used non-user research through street surveys and focus groups. The street surveys revealed a general lack of interest in museums and galleries among BME groups. These were followed up by focus groups which explored the views and attitides of BME museum non users in greater depth.
- 63% of participants were either negative or indifferent about museums.
- 23% had never been to a museum.
- 40% went to a museum for the education of their children.
- 70% of 16 25 year olds and 75% of those aged 60+ had not been to a museum in the last two years.
- 75% of Black Africans had not visited a museum in the last two years compared with 50% of those classifying themselves as Black British.
- 74% had not heard of any museum in their borough.
- Awareness of the National museums was much higher than local museums.
- Popular local museums appear to be a gateway to wider museum attendance.
Resource type: Research | Published: 2013