Best practice approaches for successful catering within cultural venues
Best practice approaches for successful catering within cultural venues
With the increase in the number and quality of eating and drinking outlets across our urban centres, catering within cultural venues needs to assess its value in a competitive market, both in terms of profitability and benefits to its users. This research report examines current catering provision in arts organisations across Greater Manchester and identifies critical success factors that will help create a benchmark to be shared as a model across the UK. You'll find that the research covers themes such as the purpose and profitability of providing catering.
How do you decide on the best management arrangements?
The management of catering within arts venues is run variously in-house or out-sourced to either national caterers or local independents. Research suggests that in-house catering increases the risk of loss, but may also offer the greatest potential for profit.
How do you ensure the success of the café?
A door direct from the café to the street is essential if the café is to become a destination in its own right. Without this, its success remains largely dependant on visitor numbers within the arts organisation.
Resource type: Research | Published: 2013