Best practice approaches to being ‘family friendly’
Best practice approaches to being ‘family friendly’
Pamela Johnson (formerly Pfrommer)
This research presents an audit of ‘family friendly’ work across the arts and cultural sector. It brings together key information in relation to families and ‘family friendliness’ work, examining models of best practice. You'll find a literature review of family friendliness across the cultural sector, an outline of gaps in knowledge, understanding and practice plus suggestions for developing more inclusive and accessible practice in family friendly approaches.
Audience development and marketing agencies, funding bodies, local authorities and a sample of recommended arts organisations and venues were all consulted about what they perceived some of the key barriers and issues surrounding the development of family audiences were.
One of the key issues highlighted has been the lack of long term funding to develop this audience group and the unsatisfactory nature of one off initiatives.
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Access Attendance Audience development Barriers Engage Engagement Families Family friendly Young people Resource type: Research | Published: 2013