Becoming a social arts organisation
Becoming a social arts organisation
Rachel Coldicutt
This paper is an attempt to understand what a “social arts organisation” would look like, and to describe how it would behave. It covers what it means to be social; how the online experience differs from the traditional one, and using analytics to see who is talking to you and when. It also examines organisational change brought about by social media, and provides useful examples from around the web.
Becoming a social arts organisation is about more than integrating social analytics with your CRM data. Achieving this sort of maturity will ultimately change the way your organisation is managed; it will make it more responsive, agile and digitally-savvy. It may well have an effect on artistic programming and commercial activity, and it will certainly change how your work is understood by your audiences. This may seem completely unachievable, but it begins very simply with listening to your audience, which should be achievable at scale or size.