Audience Research: Cornerhouse Manchester
Audience Research: Cornerhouse Manchester
The Audience Agency
A summary of the findings of seven pieces of audience research:
- Cornerhouse Audience Profiling Report
- Cornerhouse Economic Impact Summary
- In-Depth Interviews with Audience Members
- Market Assessment
- Online Survey of Cornerhouse Website Users
- On-Site Survey with Visitors to Cornerhouse Manchester
- Single Spies Mystery Shopping Research
The research and recommendations were used to inform Cornerhouse’s marketing and communications strategy.
The most accessible strategies to increase cinema attendance are those that focus on existing users. Strategies should focus on market expansion, i.e. persuading Cornerhouse visitors who come for other reasons to visit the cinema. If crossovers between the gallery, the bar and cafe and the cinema could be increased by 10 per cent each, the total estimate increase in sales to the box office per annum would be £140,000, an uplift of 20 per cent. As mentioned above, the research shows that cinema attendees spend more at the venue than other groups, so the benefit from growing this audience is more than just the value of the tickets sold.
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Access Attendance Audience research Communication Front of house Groups Research Strategy Visitors Resource type: Research | Published: 2013