Arts Advocacy Toolkit: Make your voice heard
Arts Advocacy Toolkit: Make your voice heard
Ticketsolve with representatives from a variety of arts venues across the UK, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are producing a series of Recovery Toolkits to support the industry and to come up with realistic solutions to the problems facing it as a result of Covid-19. The first toolkit tackles advocacy and includes wide-ranging advice, tips, ideas and examples to help get your message heard.
Whether you are a receiving house, producing house, show films or exhibit works of art, when it comes to getting your questions, concerns and opinions seen, read, and answered, you and your colleagues are the most important elements in your post COVID-19 recovery success.
The toolkit includes sections on:
- Tips for kickstarting your advocacy
- Who to contact, what to say
- Useful links and stats for each region - England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
- Data and stats to make your argument
- A review of recent research on audiences' willingness to return to live theatre
- How and what relevant data you can get from your ticketing system
- Sample letters/emails that you can adapt and send
- Tips for social media engagement
- Sample customer survey
Resource type: Guide/tools | Published: 2020