Approaches to inclusive development work: evaluation of a disability co-ordinator
Approaches to inclusive development work: evaluation of a disability co-ordinator
Sue Williams
This research report provides an evaluation of the work undertaken by a Creative People Disability Co-ordinator employed by Arts Council England. It evaluates the process of developing a series of six projects over the first year of a two year project. The work aimed to increase the ability of Creative People's networks to respond, and include disability organisations and disabled arts professionals. It identifies successful learning points and approaches to inclusive development work.
An action research methodology was adopted, due to the nature of the CreativePeople network (i.e. the pilot phase was focused on developing the provision of services) and the initial 1 year time limitation of the co-ordinator post, it was important to combine the collection of information and the development of initiatives. So that the projects could be tested with, and alongside the services provided by CreativePeople.
The Disability Co-ordinator was employed by Arts Council England, which provided additional resources to develop the work. The Arts Council also provided branding when the CreativePeople network was still unknown within the sector.
Resource type: Research | Published: 2013