Analytics — using data to plan content and engage audiences
Analytics — using data to plan content and engage audiences
Trish Thomas
In this Digital Heritage Lab webinar recording, Trish Thomas explains how to use the data from free analytics tools for your website and social media channels to help you understand the demographics, behaviours and motivations of your digital audiences. Trish will help you decide which metrics to focus on in Google Analytics and in the native stats in your content and social media channels including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.
This webinar recording is 44 minutes in length.
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Analytics Audience development Conference 2021 June Digital Heritage Social media strategy Resource type: Webinars and films | Published: 2021
The Digital Heritage Lab is a project managed by the Arts Marketing Association (AMA) in partnership with Arts Fundraising & Philanthropy, One Further and the Collections Trust and funded by The National Lottery Heritage Fund as part of the Digital Skills for Heritage initiative. It is a free programme for small and medium sized heritage organisations seeking to develop their digital capabilities and capacity.