An evaluation of the Greater Manchester strategic arts fund
An evaluation of the Greater Manchester strategic arts fund
Helen Corkery
The Greater Manchester Strategic Arts Fund was established in 2004 and aimed to broaden access to - and raise the quality of - the arts experience across ten local authorities. This article provides an overview of the eight different cross-authority projects, along with the key outcomes and impacts found during the project evaluation.
The most notable outcomes were the positive impacts on local communities, involving a broad range of people from different backgrounds and abilities, developing their skills and showcasing their talents at community, countywide, regional and national events.
Garden of Delights: A district wide celebration and collaboration project led by a Cross- Authority Steering Group and delivered by Manchester International Arts. The countywide project provided a showcase for local arts provision and succeeded in attracting significant additional investment, local and national media coverage and audiences of up to 50,000 people.