A practical guide to developing and managing websites
A practical guide to developing and managing websites
Roger Tomlinson
Vicki Allpress Hill
Sometimes it's difficult to know where to start when developing a website - particularly if it's an area of work you're not familiar with. This practical hands-on resource provides advice on all aspects of developing and managing a website. It answers regularly posed questions such as who should take responsibility for development, how much do they cost and how to choose a suitable designer. You'll find checklists throughout the guide, such as building a successful team and writing for the web.
Who should manage and implement your web project and what functions need to be covered? Your website IS your organisation. It is a virtual presence enabling access to your organisation and presenting a public face. It is therefore of high-level importance to your image and profile. Ultimate responsibility and accountability for your website lies at board and senior management level. The board should approve the overall strategy for the website and agree time-based targets.
Key questions to consider
- what is the primary purpose of your website? Is this agreed at corporate level and accepted by the key internal stakeholders?
- what are the implications of your primary purpose and the other objectives for your website?
- do you understand your potential visitors and the context in which they will use your website?
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Website Resource type: Guide/tools | Published: 2013