A guide to online market research and surveys
A guide to online market research and surveys
Jim Law
This is a short guide to the benefits of online quantitative research, when to use it and tips for getting the most out of online surveys. This toolkit is the third in a series of seven toolkits designed to provide an introduction to market research - whilst acting as a handy refresher for experienced marketers.
Web-based surveys have a number of key benefits including being less expensive, more environmentally friendly and allowing for stimulus material (including video and images) to be shown in full to participants to stimulate recall. An in-house data-base (email addresses) is the best source for organisations to conduct their own online surveys. If an in-house data-base is not available it may be necessary to gather email addresses for future use, use an online panel to access potential participants, or to work in collaboration with another organisation who has an appropriate list.
Resource type: Guide/tools | Published: 2013