A guide to online focus groups and interviews
A guide to online focus groups and interviews
Jim Law
This is a short guide to online qualitative research. It offers a list of the pros and cons of online focus groups and interviews. This toolkit is the fourth in a series of seven toolkits designed to provide an introduction to market research - whilst acting as a handy refresher for experienced marketers.
Advantages of online focus groups / interviews
Lower cost – Less expensive compared to face-to-face equivalents (reduced incentives due to no travel time, no viewing facility / hotel room hire).
More accessible – Interviewees / focus group participants who would normally be inaccessible (i.e. don’t live locally) or hard to involve in research (people with little time for participation) can more easily be involved.
Equal participation – In focus groups, shy or quiet participants may find it easier to contribute and those overbearing less likely to dominate the conversation. As with conventional focus groups it is important that the moderator controls and manages participation.
Resource type: Guide/tools | Published: 2013