A guide to charities and commercial partners
A guide to charities and commercial partners
Charity Commission
A practical guide to making the most of entering into commercial partnerships with companies and the benefits that can bring such as the opportunity to raise funds and the ability better to understand the commercial sector. With tips on how to avoid risk and avoid failure in legal compliance, this document can help organisations to recognise their own commercial value, and make the most of relationships with the commercial sector.
Charities have much to gain from entering into commercial partnerships with companies, both in terms of the opportunities for fund-raising and in providing a mechanism for generating subtler and more pervasive benefits like improved understanding of the corporate sector.
Charities can mitigate the chances of problems occurring with commercial partnerships by ensuring that they have robust policies and procedures in place prior to entering into an agreement. These should be incorporated within the charity's wider fund-raising strategies and reviewed on a regular basis to ensure they stay relevant and fresh.
Resource type: Guide/tools | Published: 2013