Ground-breaking brands
Ground-breaking brands
Owen Hughes
At Wolff Olins they ‘do brand’ and in a nutshell they believe that brand is not the organisation's name, logo, slogan, advertising campaign or marketing activities. At its simplest they believe that brand is: 1. Your purpose – why you exist in the world 2. The way that all your different stakeholders experience that Owen Hughes shared with AMA conference 2013 delegates how they work with a wide range of clients with the aim to work with them to reinvent and transform what they do and redefine the markets that they operate in – really to ‘change the game’.
There was a ‘rule’ that was coined in 2006 which was the 90:9:1 rule which means that 90% of online were ‘passive consumers’, 9% were ‘commentators’ and 1% were ‘deeply engaged’. According to BBC Future Media studies that has radically shifted and 23% are now classified as passive, 60% are classified as ‘easy interaction’ and a further 17% are now classified as having a much deeper interaction. We are much more active in the way that we participate with the brands that we relate to. And also we are less acquisitive – our patterns of consumption are radically shifting. We’re all familiar with Spotify and ZipCar but the way that we’re thinking about ‘leasing’ or ‘borrowing’ is changing radically so people are now prepared to think about renting things like clothes, bicycles, tools and household goods. And that shift is also growing rapidly.