Intermediate Retreat Resources 2023

Strategic Marketing Retreat: Intermediate 2023 

Taking your marketing, strategy and leadership skills to the next level

Strategic Marketing Retreat: Intermediate Level 2023 

Taking your marketing, strategy and leadership skills to the next level 

Below you’ll find a selection of curated resources to support your learning across all six modules of the Strategic Marketing Retreat: Intermediate level.

You’ll find many more useful resources on the AMA’s knowledge hub AMAculturehive. If there’s something you can’t find or if you have a case study you’d like to share just contact our Editor.

Module 1: Driving your mission and being a brand guardian 

These resources support your understanding of your organisation’s vision and mission and how they support your organisation’s objectives. Plus how to understand your brand’s DNA  – creating, maintaining and growth.

Module 2: Building the foundations of your marketing strategy

Understand the importance of analysis when devising strategy and how to understand, interrogate and use the insight you gather.

Module 3: Audience focus 

Supporting resources to help you segment your audience and make evidence-based decisions.

Module 4: Understanding your management style 

Modules 5 + 6 : Setting your objectives, applying your strategy and honing your mix 

Galwad case study front cover. A man looms over with arms outstretched. He's wearing tie-dyed white trousers and a large multi-coloured jacket.
Courtesy GALWAD

Case study: GALWAD and radical inclusion

An illustration of a person wearing a backpack and reading a map.
Illustration by Dale Crosby Close

Guide: SEO in the cultural sector

Social media is changing and so should we
Start moving from Instagram posts to reels if you want to keep up with the way the app is changing.

Social media is changing and so should we

A young, black child wearing an astronaut suit
Lonely Not Alone. 2021, Effervescent

Co-production: The future of authentic marketing