
How the events of the past year gave a museum the opportunity to improve their digital foundations

Chris Unitt talked to Sophie Heath, Director of the Museum of Royal Worcester about the positive impact digital has had on the museum over the past year during the Covid-19 pandemic.

This resource is available in English and Welsh
A young boy in a blue top and yellow hat uses a blue magnifying glass to look closer at a tea scale.
Image courtesy of the Museum of Royal Worcester. Photo Steve Carse ©.

More help here

Digital Heritage Hub is managed by Arts Marketing Association (AMA) in partnership with The Heritage Digital Consortium and The University of Leeds. It has received Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) and National Lottery funding, distributed by The Heritage Fund as part of their Digital Skills for Heritage initiative. Digital Heritage Hub is free and answers small to medium sized heritage organisations most pressing and frequently asked digital questions.

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