In this resource, Katie Parry from digital agency and arts sector specialists, Supercool, provides a selection of practical actions to help you make your digital engagement activities better for the environment. Katie provides tips and suggestions that will help you make your organisation’s website, social media channels, emails and computers more sustainable.
Katie Parry from digital agency and arts sector specialists, Supercool, gives practical tips to help you reduce your website’s energy consumption through your website design. She looks at custom fonts, visual content and user-journeys. This resource was first published on the Supercool blog.
Katie Parry from digital agency and arts sector specialists, Supercool, gives practical tips to help you reduce your website’s energy consumption. In this resource, Katie looks at the impact coding and hosting can have on your website’s carbon footprint and what you can do to reduce this impact. This resource was first published on the Supercool blog.
Katie Parry from digital agency and arts sector specialists, Supercool, gives practical tips on creating digital content that’s sustainable to help you keep your website energy-efficient. In this resource, Katie looks at visual content, accessibility, usability and SEO, calls to action, and content strategy and planning. This resource was first published on the Supercool blog.
1. Beginners
You're starting from scratch, or you need a digital skills and knowledge refresh. You're time poor and need a quick fix.
2. Development
You've mastered the basics and now you want to fine tune your digital skills and knowledge. You're looking for new ideas and inspiration to achieve what you want to achieve.
3. Advanced
You know what you're doing digitally but you want to do it better. You're keen to test and experiment and take your heritage organisation to the next level.