Creating accessible digital content helps you share the work of your heritage organisation with more people. This resource by Diversity & Ability look at both the ethical and legal requirements of ensuring your digital content is accessible. It provides a step-by-step guide from alt text to accessible hashtags and everything in between.

Creating accessible websites helps you share the work of your heritage organisation with more people. This resource by Diversity & Ability helps you understand how best to embed accessibility into your website so a larger audience can connect with and support your organisation.

You're starting from scratch, or you need a digital skills and knowledge refresh. You're time poor and need a quick fix.
2. Development
You've mastered the basics and now you want to fine tune your digital skills and knowledge. You're looking for new ideas and inspiration to achieve what you want to achieve.
3. Advanced
You know what you're doing digitally but you want to do it better. You're keen to test and experiment and take your heritage organisation to the next level.