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Video: How to get the most from your digital content on social media ― a roundtable discussion

In this roundtable discussion Delphine Jasmin-Belisle, Head of Development and Membership at The Heritage Alliance, is joined by Steven Ash Digital Volunteer at Wentworth Woodhouse in Rotherham, Fr. Brian Watters Curate at St Peter’s Cathedral in Belfast, and Jocelyn Murdoch, Content and Communications Manager at Kids in Museums. This fantastic panel share their experiences of finding, creating and sharing digital content on social media.

Published: 2022 | Resource type: webinar

Video: How do I tailor my digital content to work across Twitter, Instagram and Facebook?

Adapting your digital content to meet the needs of your different social media channels can be tricky. This resource provide hints and tips on getting the basics right and the best ways to tailor your digital content across Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

Published: 2022 | Resource type: webinar

What tools should I use to measure the success of my digital content?

With so much content to share, it’s important to know who you’re reaching when you share your images, videos and resources online. What’s working well for you, what content are people enjoying and how are they engaging with it? We’ll introduce a suite of tools you can use to track just that.

Published: 2022 | Resource type: guide-toolkit

Who’s looking at my content? Understanding your audience using analytics

With so much content to share, it’s important to know who you’re reaching when you share your images, videos and resources online. What’s working well for you, what content are people enjoying and how are they engaging with it? In this resource by UpSkill Digital, we introduce a suite of tools you can use to track just that.

Published: 2022 | Resource type: blog

Video: How to get the most from your digital content on social media

Sarah Shaw, Programme Manager at the Heritage Alliance, shares top tips on getting the most from your digital content on social media. Packed full of examples and tools, this video focuses on four key areas for successfully sharing your content on social media: digital content planning, keeping it legal, social media trends and raising your profile.

Published: 2022 | Resource type: webinar

How can I support diversity and inclusion through my online content? A step-by-step guide to inclusivity

Ensuring your content reflects the diverse and inclusive aims of your heritage organisation is important. This resource provides a step-by-step guide to creating diverse and inclusive content across your digital platforms, including your website. It also explores the difference between diversity and inclusion and how best to address these issues through your digital content.

Published: 2022 | Resource type: guide-toolkit

How do I ensure that the digital content I create is accessible?

Creating accessible digital content helps you share the work of your heritage organisation with more people. This resource by Diversity & Ability look at both the ethical and legal requirements of ensuring your digital content is accessible. It provides a step-by-step guide from alt text to accessible hashtags and everything in between.

Published: 2022 | Resource type: guide-toolkit

Video: Which is the best content management system for my social media and website?

In this video, we explore the benefits of content management systems for heritage organisations and offer tips on how to choose the right one for them.

Published: 2022 | Resource type: webinar

How do I write, implement, and monitor a digital content strategy?

In this resource, Laura Stanley outlines the most important steps heritage organisations can take to build and implement their own digital content strategy, from conducting research to setting their goals

Published: 2022 | Resource type: guide-toolkit

Video: How digital engagement can help your organisation build audience loyalty

In this recording from the Digital Heritage Hub launch event, Trish Thomas explores how digital engagement can help your heritage organisation build audience loyalty. This session will help you understand how to interpret the value of an in-person versus online audience; how to make content decisions based on the needs and motivations of your audience; the lifecycle of your audience and why lifetime value is important; end-to-end user journeys and the many touch points that they can involve; and how to engage audiences long term and build loyalty.

Published: 2022 | Resource type: webinar

Integrating strategies: how to ensure your strategic approaches to digital content and digital marketing underpin your digital strategy

Your digital strategy should provide an overarching vision to guide the use of digital in the different areas of business within your organisation. Underneath this, you will need additional strategies relating to digital content and digital marketing. This guide explains their relationship and provides examples from other organisations on how these strategies have attracted wider and more diverse audiences.

Published: 2022 | Resource type: blog

How do I budget for content creation and sharing?

Content creation can be costly, whether you’re generating it internally or using external partners.  In this resource Laura Stanley looks at the ways small to medium-sized heritage organisations can budget for creating content and outline the costs of sharing it with your audience.

Published: 2022 | Resource type: blog

How can we build new and inclusive online communities?

Building and managing an online community can be challenging and time consuming. This resource by Christina Lister provides practical tips on setting up online communities utilising existing platforms such as Facebook. It offers ideas on how to nurture and build an online community without having to spend too much time managing or administering it.

Published: 2022 | Resource type: guide-toolkit

How do I reuse articles and images I’ve shared before?

Repurposing your heritage organisation’s articles and images is a great way to make your digital content work harder. This guide by Dr Katharine Walker will help you reuse articles and images that you’ve shared before. 

Published: 2022 | Resource type: blog

How do I find rights holders for content I want to share?

This article by Chris Sutherns will provide you with best practice guidance for clearing rights to use others’ works online, allowing you to identify which works require permission and how to go about it.

Published: 2022 | Resource type: blog

How do I gain permission to use in-copyright material on social media and websites?

Gaining copyright permission is very important when sharing content online. This step-by-step guide by Debbie McDonnell from Naomi Korn Associates will help you to understand when you need to ask for permission to use content you do not own the rights to and how to go about asking and documenting that process.

Published: 2022 | Resource type: guide-toolkit

How can heritage organisations keep up to date with social media content trends?

Social media can boost your heritage organisation’s profile and share your content with broader audiences and communities. In this resource Andrew Davis explains how to make use of digital trends and how to find out about them.

Published: 2022 | Resource type: blog

A guide to raising your profile on social media

You’ve put in the effort, you’ve made the brilliant social media content, but you’re not getting any more views or followers. What can you do? Let us provide you with the answers in this handy article.

Published: 2022 | Resource type: guide-toolkit

How do we ensure that people are at the heart of the stories we tell?

How do we ensure that people are at the heart of our heritage organisation’s digital stories? People, their history, communities, identity, culture and oral history are at the heart of many of our heritage organisations. So how can we ensure that our content is people-focused? This article by James Berg outlines an actionable plan through seven simple steps that ensures you are placing people at the heart of your storytelling.

Published: 2022 | Resource type: blog

Selecting the right platforms and channels for your organisation

When making a decision about which platform(s) will best suit your organisation, you should consider two main factors: the different social media platforms available and your audiences. This guide will outline some considerations regarding the skills and capacity of your organisation, and the needs of your audience.

Published: 2022 | Resource type: blog

Digital Heritage Hub is managed by Arts Marketing Association (AMA) in partnership with The Heritage Digital Consortium and The University of Leeds. It has received Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) and National Lottery funding, distributed by The Heritage Fund as part of their Digital Skills for Heritage initiative. Digital Heritage Hub is free and answers small to medium sized heritage organisations most pressing and frequently asked digital questions.

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