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Working with specialist conservation records on a custom database
Plant Heritage is a small independent charity based in Surrey that operates throughout the UK and Ireland with the support of a large network of volunteers and supporters. It records, researches, and preserves garden plants through the National Plant Collection Scheme and uses a custom web-interface database (Persephone) for managing its new collection records. Plant Heritage recruited digital volunteers to transfer older records — a mixture of formats from paper to Word and Excel documents — onto the Persephone database to ensure all their plant data is securely stored and improve their curatorial standards.
Published: 2023 | Resource type: guide-toolkit
Recruit and manage digital volunteers to deliver data analysis projects
Plantlife International is a wild plant and fungi conservation charity. It’s four-year project Building Resilience in South West Woodlands (2018-2022) raised awareness of Atlantic woodlands across Cornwall, Devon and Somerset, as well as undertaking important management works to ensure the conservation of these habitats. As part of this project hundreds of 360-degree (fisheye) photographs were taken across several project sites. Digital volunteers were recruited to undertake the data analysis work in order for these photographs to be analysed. This resource shares Plantlife’s journey in recruiting and managing these volunteers and their data work.
Published: 2023 | Resource type: guide-toolkit
Guide to getting started with Google Analytics 4
Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is here and we don’t have long to make the switch. This resource is for you if you haven’t made the jump yet. It explains what GA4 is and how it works. We will go into depth to look at how you can setup your own GA4 account, with or without hired help. It includes a handy migration checklist of all the things you may need to think about and gives you some top tips.
Published: 2022 | Resource type: guide-toolkit
How do I gain permission to use other people’s material in my open licensed asset?
In this resource, Naomi Korn Associates’ Senior Consultant Debbie McDonnell describes what you need to know when seeking permission to use other people’s in-copyright content in your open licensed asset. This includes consideration of the Creative Commons licence required as part of National Lottery Heritage Fund grants, and features a helpful Licence Agreement Template.
Published: 2022 | Resource type: guide-toolkit
What do I need to do before I share personal data online?
Data protection compliance is everyone’s responsibility and vitally important when sharing digital content online. From collecting personal data as part of an oral history project to sharing the names of participants in a community project — it all falls under UK Data Protection law. This 10-step guide by Dr Kit Good will explain what you need to know before you share personal data online.
Published: 2022 | Resource type: guide-toolkit
Data protection checklist
This data protection checklist by Dr Kit Good will help your heritage organisation determine whether the content you are sharing online is data protection compliant.
Published: 2022 | Resource type: guide-toolkit
I’m a medium-sized heritage organisation, how do I plan for digitising my content?
As a medium-sized heritage organisation with a valuable archive, and possible brand identity too, how do you go about planning for the digitisation of your content? This guide seeks to offer some practical advice, points for consideration, and signpost some really informative resources to get you started.
Published: 2022 | Resource type: blog
I’m a small-sized heritage organisation, how do I plan for digitising my content?
Digitisation serves a range of purposes and offers many benefits for heritage archives. As a small organisation you may be wondering how you might plan and prepare for digitisation. This is a concise guide on how to get started and what to consider.
Published: 2022 | Resource type: blog
Video: How to use free analytic tools to understand your digital audiences
Trish Thomas explains how to use free analytics tools to help you understand the demographics, behaviours and motivations of your digital audiences. Trish guides you through the best metrics to focus on in Google Analytics and in the native stats in your content and social media channels.
Published: 2021 | Resource type: webinar
Video: how to present your digital stats effectively
Reporting your digital stats in a consistent way can be challenging as digital platforms use so many different metrics and analytics tools. In these two videos Trish Thomas demonstrates the best ways to structure regular reports using stats and narrative collated across your website and social media channels. The first video looks at website stats and the second the social media channels Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Published: 2021 | Resource type: webinar
Using analytics to understand reach, engagement and conversion of your online audiences
All digital channels have different metrics and ways of reporting, so the challenge is often to find a consistent way to report your stats across all channels. In this resource, Trish Thomas explains how to use the analytics from both your website and social media channels to understand and report on reach, engagement and conversion rates of online audiences.
Published: 2022 | Resource type: guide-toolkit
Using templates to create your digital strategy
Using templates to create your digital strategy will help you work through a set of diagnostic questions that indicates your organisation’s recommended priority areas along with relevant performance indicators to guide you through digital transformation.
Published: 2022 | Resource type: blog