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Video: Earl of Abergaveny project, Portland Museum
The Portland Museum is dedicated to working with its local community to protect and promote the unique heritage of the Isle of Portland in Dorset. Over the past five years, the museum has used advances in digital technology across the arts and heritage sectors to create new ways for people to engage with its collections. The museum used its Earl of Abergaveny Collection to train and support volunteers to produce 3D digital models of shipwreck items from this collection to create a digital archive.
Published: 2023 | Resource type: case-study
Creating 3D digital models of museum collection objects
The Portland Museum is dedicated to working with its local community to protect and promote the unique heritage of the Isle of Portland in Dorset. Over the past five years, the museum has used advances in digital technology across the arts and heritage sectors to create new ways for people to engage with its collections. This resource explains how the museum trained and supported volunteers to produce 3D digital models of items from its collection.
Published: 2023 | Resource type: guide-toolkit