Digital heritage fundraising
This is a free online resource collection for heritage professionals that brings the collective intelligence of the sector together in one place, by you, for you.
Image courtesy of British Ceramics Biennial 2019 © Jenny Harper

The reconstituted cutaway view of the first Rose, by William Dudley, incorporating material by Jon Greenfield and C. Walter Hodges, taken from the guidebook, ‘The Rose, Bankside’s first theatre 1587’. Image courtesy of The Rose Theatre Trust.
How online events had a positive impact on audience engagement and donations for a small heritage organisation
The Digital Heritage Lab is a project managed by the Arts Marketing Association (AMA) in partnership with Arts Fundraising & Philanthropy, One Further and the Collections Trust and funded by The National Lottery Heritage Fund as part of the Digital Skills for Heritage initiative. It is a free programme for small and medium sized heritage organisations seeking to develop their digital capabilities and capacity.