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Found 12 results for research digest

A group of people stood together on a grassy bank by a river in a town at dusk. One person is talking to the group. They are stood by an ancient wall.

Research Digest: Environmental Heritage and Place

This research digest draws together the current research on the relationship between cultural heritage, environments and place. The relationship between the environment and heritage has a long history and incorporates a broad range of disciplines from conservation and social geography to climate science. Given this broad church, this digest has focused on two specific areas … Read more

Published: 2025 | Resource type: research

Three people looking at a piece of outdoor public art. The artwork is made up of larger notebook pages. The page to the front of the image has the text: to leaf is

Research Digest: Culture and placemaking

What is the relationship between culture and placemaking? This digest brings together research that examines how and why arts and culture play a part in placemaking and what that means for organisations, practitioners, policymakers and funders.

Published: 2024 | Resource type: research

Performer in yellow top and denim shorts at an outdoor performance at night. They are reaching out, passing something to an audience member.

Research Digest: Lifelong Cultural Engagement

How may the value and impact of engaging with culture evolve across someone’s lifetime? Are our cultural tastes set in childhood? Or is there scope for our behaviours to change? If so, what can affect these shifts?  These questions are worth exploring for many reasons. For instance, cultural organisations might want to investigate who’s engaging … Read more

Published: 2024 | Resource type: research

Part of a large circle of people, of all ages stood together holding hands.

Research digest: The role of the artist in society

What do we know about the role of artists working in socially engaged ways, the value of this work, how they are funded and the different settings they work in? This research digest explores the current evidence base around artists working in socially engaged practices. This can range from artists working in residencies with town-planning … Read more

Published: 2023 | Resource type: research

Two people drawing together at a table. You can see their hands, holding pens. On the table there is a large sheet of paper with writing, a pencil case and a cup of coffee

Research digest: Everyday creativity

This everyday creativity research digest summarises current evidence relating to the many and diverse creative and cultural activities that people do at home or in their communities. Specifically, it explores the value of activities facilitated by amateur or voluntary groups in shared community spaces and self-initiated activity that takes place at home. This review does … Read more

Published: 2022 | Resource type: research

Older woman in hat dancing

Research digest: Older people’s physical health

In recent years, there has been growing interest in the role that culture can play in promoting physical health outcomes for older people with many programmes focussing on on physical activity as a way to promote active ageing and support older people to live more independently. We are all growing older and so it is … Read more

Published: 2022 | Resource type: research

Research digest: Older people – culture, community, connection

In recent years there has been growing interest in the role that cultural participation can play in older people’s wellbeing and sense of connection to other people. We are all growing older, and so it is important to consider what the cultural landscape looks like for older people and how it can support people to … Read more

Published: 2022 | Resource type: research

Image of three young people in a museum setting doing craft activities, smiling

Research digest: Young people’s mental health

In recent years there’s been in increased interest in the role arts and culture can play in the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people. Our latest research digest considers the evidence of positive impacts and identifies whether there any gaps in the current research?

Published: 2021 | Resource type: research

2 students talking to a patient

Research digest: Training and development of healthcare students

What is the value of using arts and cultural approaches to train and develop healthcare students? Find out in our research digest.

Published: 2021 | Resource type: research

Older female audience member in wheelchair dancing to music

Research digest: Culture on referral

Explore the evidence surrounding culture on referral programmes (also known as arts on prescription) and the implications for cultural sector practitioners and policymakers. This research digest reviews and summarises the academic literature and identifies where there is evidence and where further research is needed. We evaluated the evidence surrounding the value of culture on referral … Read more

Published: 2020 | Resource type: research