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National Theatre Wales logo

Theatre powers connection: a new brand and website for National Theatre Wales

Tabitha Milne and Rhian Hughes share the development of new brand positioning and website for National Theatre Wales (NTW). They open up the process of change as NTW re-examined its vision, values and direction under the artistic leadership of Lorne Campbell.

Published: 2023 | Resource type: Case studies

A wide road disappearing into the distance. Green trees and bushes are on either side of the road.

Creating a vision of a more inclusive, relevant future

This resource is part of a series of tools and exercises from OF/BY/FOR ALL to help build more inclusive and relevant organisations as part of Arts Council England’s strategy for 2020-2030, Let’s Create.

Published: 2021 | Resource type: Guide/tools

Arts Survival Training: An AMA Podcast. Episode 1 – Mission, Vision and Values

Arts Survival Training is a podcast from the Arts Marketing Association about creating stronger, more resilient arts organisations. In each episode, you’ll hear UK arts professionals weigh in on the skills and mindsets our field needs in order to survive in the face of social, political, and environmental challenges. Arts Survival Training is hosted, edited, and produced ... Read more

Published: 2020 | Resource type: Article


Business planning during a time of change

Jo Towler, Executive Director of Candoco Dance Company, spoke to AMA editor, Jacqueline Haxton, about how Creative United’s Prosper advisor Marina Norris helped Candoco develop its Business Plan during a time of organisational change.

Published: 2018 | Resource type: article

Scrabble tiles spell out the word 'vision'

Quick guide: vision & mission

A quick and simple toolkit to help you develop powerful vision and mission statements for your organisation. Based on training designed by Mel Larsen for the AMA’s Small Scale Development Programme.

Published: 2017 (updated 2021) | Resource type: Guide/tools

What is your core purpose?

In this article, which was originally published in Arts Professional, Michelle Wright from Cause4 asks the question: are vision, mission and values at the heart of good cultural fundraising? Michelle explains why arts organisations need to be clear about their fundamental purpose; that vision, mission and purpose states the organisation’s essence, character and direction.

Published: 2015 | Resource type: article

Beyond content strategy

The development of Chapter Arts Centre’s website considers people, passion and creating content that brings people closer to you. This resource explores why Chapter developed its content strategy in the way it did, including key things to think about, such as steps in the process, tying things back to your mission, vision and values, and ... Read more

Published: 2012 | Resource type: Case studies

AMA Conference 2013 Game Change Logo

Review your organisation’s vision and future direction to develop both art and audience

Andrew McIntyre explores how to review your organisation’s vision and future direction to develop both art and audience. This is a transcript from Andrew’s masterclass at AMA Conference 2013.

Published: 2013 | Resource type: Guide/tools

Setting organisational vision and values that impact marketing strategy

NEMO is a Science Centre in Amsterdam, and one of the Netherlands leading attractions. NEMO wanted to reassess its organisational priorities and worked with arts consultancy Wonderbird to establish NEMO 3.0, the vision of NEMO in the future, and to set a marketing strategy that can support that vision.

Published: 2013 | Resource type: Case studies

Mission Impossible headline screen shot

The relationship between mission statements and the people they serve

Ivan Wadeson investigates the relationship of the mission statement to audiences, visitors and participants – the public.

Published: 2013 | Resource type: Guide/tools

Vision quest

A personal or company vision gives you a sense of how things could be. It’s your ideal future, it says what you, or even the world, could become (as opposed to your mission statement which reminds you of your more immediate purpose in terms of who, what, why and where). Einstein famously called the imagination a ‘preview of life’s coming attractions’ which hints at the ... Read more

Published: 2013 | Resource type: Guide/tools

Evaluating mission statement promises

Owning a bold vision is vital to inform a mission statement that everyone in your organisation can buy into. How audience focused is your organisation’s mission statement? Is it just a list of what you do? Or does it tell people why you do it and what’s in it for them? It’s easy to prove that you are keeping your promises if ... Read more

Published: 2013 | Resource type: Case studies

Redefining audience segmentation

An article, The Unusual Suspects, contextualises arts audience segmentation but also seeks to provide a new model for the 21st century based on key understandings about how audiences want to engage with the arts and how they want to be communicated with. The Culture Segments segmentation model presents eight segments that offer a common language ... Read more

Published: 2010 | Resource type: article

Insight required front cover

Changing arts audiences in the 21st century

Morris Hargreaves McIntyre detail seven pillars for arts organisations to potentially transform their audience development focus: vision-led, brand-driven, outcome-orientated, inter-disciplinary, insight-guided, interactively-engaged, and personalised.

Published: 2008 | Resource type: article

Mission possible

Report on a day event held by the AMA in 2007, which looked at arts organisations’ mission and vision statements.

Published: 2007 | Resource type: article

Managing change

Report from an AMA away day on developing an audience focused organisation.

Published: 2000 | Resource type: article