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Collaborative digital marketing for cultural tourism
The website began as a collaborative digital marketing campaign for the Manchester Museums Consortium – nine of the large museums and galleries in Manchester city centre and The Quays. It now averages 50,000 unique hits a month from a highly engaged and loyal cultural readership, and has broadened its remit to promote cultural activities across ... Read more
Published: 2013 | Resource type: Case studies
Cultural tourism: a glossary
This short but useful glossary provides an explanation of some of the most commonly occurring terms used within the field of cultural tourism. You’ll find a list of terminology and definitions – a must for anyone who has cultural tourists as a priority audience group.
Published: 2010 | Resource type: Guide/tools
Key facts and figures for cultural tourism
If you’re interested in strategy for targeting cultural tourists you’ll find some useful facts and figures in this help-sheet. It contains a wealth of information gathered from various sources including Visit Britain, The London Visitors Survey and the Nations Brand Index. There’s links to further resources along with details about decision making influences, sources of ... Read more
Published: 2010 | Resource type: Guide/tools
Developing cultural tourists: London 2012
London 2012 was a prime opportunity for engaging with cultural tourists. This factsheet describes the opportunities that were presented during London 2012 for developing a tourist audience – including those with the London Media Centre, Visit London’s 2012 marketing strategy, hospitality and hosting, and the overall 2012 culture diary.
Published: 2010 | Resource type: Guide/tools
How to segment cultural tourists
Discover various ways that you can segment cultural tourists and explore motivational trends in cultural tourism in this handy factsheet from Audiences London.
Published: 2010 | Resource type: Guide/tools