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How to develop a fundraising strategy

How to develop a fundraising strategy

This guide will take you through the seven key steps in the fundraising strategy cycle and provide you with the essential ingredients of a good fundraising strategy.

Published: 2015 | Resource type: Guide/tools

Developing a Digital Marketing Strategy Cover

Developing a digital marketing strategy

Gain an overview of the steps needed to develop a digital marketing strategy. This guide will show you how to position your digital strategy and develop a planning framework.

Published: 2010 | Resource type: Guide/tools

This Way Up

This Way Up – a guide to arts marketing planning

A practical hands-on guide to writing a marketing plan and building audiences, aimed at people working in small scale organisations with limited marketing resources.

Published: 2007 | Resource type: Guide/tools

How to create a digital marketing plan

This one-page guide visually outlines the steps to take when creating a digital marketing plan. From SWOT analyses through to measuring success, each step of the framework recommends different actions to take. Ultimately once you’ve worked through the different stages you’ll have the beginnings of a digital marketing plan in place.

Published: 2011 | Resource type: Guide/tools

Marketing Strategies front cover

A comprehensive, step-by-step guide to developing a marketing strategy for arts organisations

This comprehensive guide for Australia Council for the Arts explains what a marketing strategy is, how it should interface with the rest of an organisation’s activities, and takes you through the do-it-yourself stages to creating one.

Published: 1997 | Resource type: Guide/tools

Thinking Big logo

Thinking BIG worksheet 6: creating a SWOT analysis

Create a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis as part of your marketing audit with this practical worksheet designed for use with the Thinking BIG! resource.

Published: 2010 | Resource type: Guide/tools