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Arts Funding: The New Reality
In this extended blog arts writer Dany Louise poses some provocative questions for the arts and cultural sector about the future of arts funding in a post-Brexit landscape.
Published: 2019 | Resource type: Article

In praise of projects: funding an independent museum
The Thorney Society, a community charity in the village of Thorney just outside Peterborough, has run the independent Thorney Museum since 1987. Housed in a converted Victorian building, it is open to the public during the Summer. In 2013, the Thorney Society approached the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) East of England for funding to develop resources for people ... Read more
Published: 2015 | Resource type: Case studies

A funder’s view on making a funding application
This guide written from a funder’s perspective provides useful advice about what you need to consider when making a funding application. It includes: researching the funder before approaching them; highlighting what you are trying to achieve and what you have already achieved; referring to the aims of the funder; having a balanced and clear budget; common mistakes and ... Read more
Published: 2014 | Resource type: Guide/tools

53 Million Artists
In October 2013, Jo Hunter and her colleague David Micklem started work on an idea called 53 Million Artists – a campaign that aims to unlock the creative potential of every individual in England by getting them to Make Time, Do Stuff, Think About It, and Share It. Having secured two small grants from Arts Council England and support from ... Read more
Published: 2014 | Resource type: Case studies

Fundraising from an Artistic Director's perspective
One of the biggest challenges in fundraising is that funders want access to artistic directors as often it’s their vision that is being supported. In this interview, Wieke Eringa, Artistic Director of Yorkshire Dance, discusses her approach to fundraising including the challenges and benefits of leading on fundraising; building income; fundraising for both projects and core costs; ... Read more
Published: 2014 | Resource type: Case studies

Ten steps to financial sustainability
The Sustainable Sun tool combines six key aspects – the sun “rays” – that contribute to financial sustainability and places them alongside a journey of ten steps that can help organisations to systematically increase their financial sustainability. It can help you work out where you doing well with financial sustainability and where you need to ... Read more
Published: 2014 | Resource type: Guide/tools

Income spectrum: finding the right income mix
This useful income spectrum tool will help you understand your income options and make stronger funding decisions for your organisation. It will help you identify the different income streams what will fit with your organisational needs. It looks at the four main streams of income: gifts, grants, contracts and open market. It has been developed by the ... Read more
Published: 2012 | Resource type: Guide/tools

Identifying and assessing the right income streams for you
This useful income exploration tool will help you review your current income; identify new and potential income streams; and explore the impact that different income sources will have on your organisation and beneficiaries. It has been developed by the NCVO to help voluntary and community organisations to develop and implement a sustainable income strategy.
Published: 2014 | Resource type: Guide/tools

Tools for fundraising for long-term sustainability
Developed by the NCVO as part of its Sustainable Funding Project, this resource provides five tools each designed to achieve a specific aim and set of objectives. The five tools are: deciding who should fundraise; applying to grant-making trusts and foundations; raffles and lotteries; running charitable events and hiring a fundraising consultant. It also includes ... Read more
Published: 2007 | Resource type: Guide/tools

Funder needs analysis tool
This useful tool provides an income spectrum that will help you understand the expectations and requirements that different income streams will have on your organisation. It will help you focus on the different approaches needed for funders, clients and customers. It was developed by the NCVO to help voluntary and community organisations to develop and implement a sustainable income ... Read more
Published: 2014 | Resource type: Guide/tools

The Orchestra Business Model – that’s no way to run a business!
A survey in 2013 by the Association of British Orchestras (ABO) of its members revealed a paradox that while audiences increased by 16% between 2009/10 and 2012/13, earned incomed declined by 11% in real terms. In this article, Mark Pemberton, Director of the ABO, considers whether there is a genuinely new “business model” that could be the salvation of ... Read more
Published: 2014 | Resource type: article