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Creating ethical guidelines for fundraising
This guide provides useful advice on how to set up ethical guidelines to ensure that trustees, staff and any potential commercial partners share a common understanding of your organisation’s ethical values.
Published: 2015 | Resource type: Guide/tools

Leadership in arts organisations – the importance of trust
The main findings of the 2009 Index of Leadership Trust by the Institute of Leadership and Management and Management Today
Published: 2009 | Resource type: Research

Is our web content serving our target markets?
This paper asks: What does the content museums choose to display on the web reveal about their commitment to certain audiences? How do special audiences discern the differences between commitment and special-project pandering? Have we failed audiences by judging our best efforts according to low standards? It looks specifically at the target market of children, reviews the progress ... Read more
Published: 2003 | Resource type: article

Arts Marketing Standards, Trainer's Toolkit
The AMA (Arts Marketing Association) is committed to raising the standard of arts marketing across the sector. We have contextualised the marketing National Occupational Standards (NOS) for the arts and cultural sector and have created an online suite of training needs analysis tools. This means that for the first time the industry will have a ... Read more
Published: 2012 | Resource type: Guide/tools

Arts Marketing Standards, Marketer’s Toolkit
The AMA (Arts Marketing Association) is committed to raising the standard of arts marketing across the sector. We have contextualised the marketing National Occupational Standards (NOS) for the arts and cultural sector and have created an online suite of training needs analysis tools. This means that for the first time the industry will have a ... Read more
Published: 2012 | Resource type: Guide/tools