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Converting supporters into 'raving fans'
This article looks at how the Baltic has increased visitor frequency by making the visitor experience an unrivalled one, aiming to convert those who might be supporters of the museum into ‘raving fans’. Claire Byers explains how technology has played its part but so too has staff training.
Published: 2008 | Resource type: article

Ways to improve internal communication
This article offers a selection of solutions to internal communication challenges often faced by marketing departments. You’ll find an outline of some of the most regularly occurring issues such as trust, lack of understanding and value. There’s advice on how marketing teams should react to these challenges, along with top tips based on the author’s ... Read more
Published: 2005 | Resource type: Guide/tools

How understanding motivation can improve internal communication
Understanding what motivates colleagues can be a powerful way of improving internal communication. This article discusses the Language and Behaviour (LAB) profile tool, created by Rodger Bailey, and how it can be used to explore motivation. The tool works from the premise that each individual has their own perception of reality and assumes that people who ... Read more
Published: 2005 | Resource type: article

The changing world of internal communication
Effective internal communication is vital in business. This article explores why internal communications are changing, the shifting role of leadership communication, and the importance of linking internal communications to business strategy. Drawing on evidence from various organisations you’ll find practical suggestions about what you need to consider for your organisation – including questioning your own communication barriers.
Published: 2005 | Resource type: article

How to build staff commitment: a case study
Empowering and motivating staff is key to internal audience development and brand communication. The author of this article describes the challenges of building commitment amongst staff and highlights his points through a relevant and practical case study from Tyne and Wear Museums. He argues that organisations must ensure efficient communication occurs across all levels, that ... Read more
Published: 2005 | Resource type: Case studies

Recruiting and inducting staff: a checklist
This sheet is intended as an aid to local authority arts recruitment and may serve as a guide for officer induction for people either starting a new job, or being promoted within an authority to a new position. As well as noting key periods, you’ll find useful check lists of what to do pre-employment, on ... Read more
Published: 2013 | Resource type: Guide/tools