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Young people explore the arts
‘Arts Explorers: it’s a stage they’re going to’ is an Edinburgh-based project that aims to address the perception among socially excluded young people that the arts are not for them. This report summarises the project and gives recommendations for others. It concludes that young people are ready to engage in the arts provided four elements ... Read more
Published: 2002 | Resource type: Guide/tools

Increasing the attractiveness of libraries for socially disadvantaged adults
This report outlines the reasons behind low library usage from those who are socially disadvantaged and suggests some ways forward. This study found that the key barrier to usage is that awareness of libraries is low, particularly among adults with a low level of skills. The other main barriers are a low understanding of what ... Read more
Published: 2005 | Resource type: Research

Positive arts-based activities for young people
This leaflet presents case studies from across three events three one-day events staged by ACE and the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council in July 2009, to increase understanding of how the arts and culture can help deliver positive activities for young people. They provide good practice examples of how the arts and culture can contribute ... Read more
Published: 2009 | Resource type: Case studies

Being here: the impact of culture on regeneration and social inclusion
This case study – held up as an example of good practice by the DCMS – shows how cultural activity can be used for regeneration and social inclusion. The ‘being here’ project was a four year programme of arts and cultural activities in Southend on Sea and was managed by Momentum Arts on behalf of ... Read more
Published: 2007 | Resource type: Case studies