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Open licensing and mobile tools to encourage engagement with art
Describes how a group of Danish art galleries joined forces to develop a shared mobile platform based on open content. The case study explores the collaborative process and the benefits of cross-institution collaboration when developing an in-gallery mobile tool designed to encourage greater engagement. It also looks at the adoption of open licences such as the Creative Commons ... Read more
Published: 2013 | Resource type: Case studies

How should staff of an organisation use social media ethically and protect the company’s reputation?
These guidelines from the Ford Motor Company for its staff are an at-a-glance summary of how to behave in the social media world in an ethical and responsible way , observing lines between the company and private views, honesty, good manners, and times when they might have to refer upwards. Useful for any arts marketer, ... Read more
Published: 2010 | Resource type: Guide/tools

Working with photographers
A basic guide from the Association of Photographers into good photographic practice.
Published: 2011 | Resource type: Guide/tools