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Top tips to keep on top of your CRM
This guide provides seven top tips for looking after your CRM to ensure it effectively delivers the benefits, relationships and data your can utilise.
Published: 2015 | Resource type: Guide/tools

Audience frequency and loyalty
Is customer retention the same as loyalty? What are the positive factors that affect loyalty? Heather Maitland finds out what the research says about audience frequency and loyalty.
Published: 2009 | Resource type: Research

Assessing audience loyalty – a must for every arts organisation
Arts marketers are constantly under pressure to justify every pound they spend against the return they achieve – and a good loyalty-based, or CRM (Customer Relationship Management), approach will help you do just that.
Published: 2009 | Resource type: article

Test drive the arts: an introduction
The ‘Test Drive the Arts’ concept is about utilising spare capacity in arts venues (which generate nil income) to give potential attenders a ‘taste’ of the product in order to stimulate repeat attendance (and thus generating income in venues where a charge is levied). This groundbreaking study evaluates performance against objectives including: targeting 25,000 new ... Read more
Published: 1999 | Resource type: Research

How to utilise spare capacity to stimulate repeat attendance
This report provides a summary of the Test Drive: North West audience development project which looked at how venues could increase repeat attendance using spare capacity. Using telemarketing, potential attenders where given a chance to ‘try before you buy’ with the offer of free tickets providing an opportunity to capture personal data and profile their ... Read more
Published: 1999 | Resource type: Research

Increasing frequency of rarely-engaged arts and cultural attenders
Most arts and cultural organisations only need to increase retention and frequency rates among a small percentage of their customers for considerable financial benefit,so choosing to concentrate on the needs of just one or two segments will bring good returns on any investment in change. What Audiences London discovered about less committed audiences went beyond our assumptions, sometimes confirming them, sometimes challenging them.
Published: 2011 | Resource type: Case studies

Revolving doors
Report from an away day focusing on increasing audience retention.
Published: 1999 | Resource type: article