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Lates at the Science Museum

This case study explores the objectives, processes and outcomes of the Science Museum’s Lates – a regular late night opening for adults-only. Lates aims to attract a young adult audience into the museum to engage with its collections and an average of 3,500 visitors attend these late night openings. Lates is not marketed in the traditional sense instead ... Read more

Published: 2013 | Resource type: Case studies


Random International’s Rain Room at the Barbican

In October 2012, Random International’s largest and most ambitious installation – Rain Room – opened in the Barbican’s Curve gallery. A 100 square metre field of falling water, Rain Room came alive through audience interaction with the thousands of falling droplets responding to audience presence and movement. This case study describes the planning, processes and outcomes ... Read more

Published: 2013 | Resource type: Case studies

Arts Engagement with older people and families

Twelve case studies of arts engagement projects working with older people and families in London. The case studies share the learning from Audiences London’s Family Advocates Programme, BAC’s work with non-professional older artists, a skills exchange with Building Exploratory, an architecture centre and Cubitt, a gallery and studios regarding work with older audiences, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra & Tate ... Read more

Published: 2011 | Resource type: Case studies

Breaking down barriers to attract new audiences

This case study looks at The Night Shift, a radical new concert series created to attract new and younger audiences to experience the work of The Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment (OAE). As well as young people, the series targeted infrequent and non-attenders of classical music by taking classical music out of the concert hall, ... Read more

Published: 2013 | Resource type: Case studies

A tailor made approach to promoting the Edinburgh International Festival

In the year that the Edinburgh International Festival celebrated its sixtieth birthday, this presentation discussed how an understanding of audiences contributes to the development of the Festival brand, illustrating how in 60 years it has transformed a City not known for its festivals into one that attracts millions of visitors and generates over £200 million ... Read more

Published: 2007 | Resource type: Guide/tools

Engaging young people with public libraries through live events

This case study examines how innovation helped to engage and develop the low library-using 14-25 age group (and other library non-users) with public libraries through a programme of the best new emerging live music supported by associated creative workshops and training opportunities.  The project actively supported the NEET (not in employment, education or training) agenda in ... Read more

Published: 2013 | Resource type: Case studies

New methods of working and engagement

This seminar asked how should a contemporary arts organisation work with audiences, artists and curators in this early part of the 21st Century at a time when the boundaries between consumer and producer are becoming increasingly blurred, in a world of infinite communication possibilities, where people are increasingly collaborating to create and innovate, where many artists are working with the grain of these changes, where ... Read more

Published: 2009 | Resource type: article

Subscription scheme benefits

Subscription schemes are used by major American institutions to sell theatre tickets in bulk. These schemes often act as a starting point for increasing customer loyalty – by encouraging customers to attend more frequently, it is hoped that they will eventually become a friend or a donor. Consultant Debbie Richards explains the benefits of this ... Read more

Published: 2011 | Resource type: article

How to bring marketing and programming together to create positive working partnerships

Marketers, programmers and artistic directors often share the same frustrations of working separately and not connecting properly with each other fields, this seminar looks at how to reverse the trend and find new collaborative approaches that can deliver shared responsibility and closer collaboration. This session looks at work being done at the Wales Millennium Centre ... Read more

Published: 2009 | Resource type: Case studies

Three steps to making your venue more family friendly

Creating and strengthening relationships with existing and potential family audiences is the key to building child/family friendly arts venues. This short, practical guide details three key steps to make progress: Understand the concept of family friendliness and how it applies to arts Look at venues from a child and family friendly perspective and assess its ... Read more

Published: Not known | Resource type: Guide/tools

How marketing insight can influence creative strategy

What do you get when 12 leading arts innovators get together in a room to discuss audience engagement with artistic excellence?  Answer: a thought provoking, insightful and creative view of modern programming, marketing and communication practices in the arts, where value, quality and excellence take centre stage.

Published: 2009 | Resource type: Guide/tools

Learn how Brindley Arts Centre used artists working in the community to develop an engaging exhibition programme

This case study from Inspired Responses talks through how a newly-opened arts centre addressed the needs of local schools in its arts programming by working with local artists on a community engagement programme. It covers how to work with schools and teachers to find space in the curriculum for art (at mainstream as well as ... Read more

Published: 2011 | Resource type: Case studies

How to manage multiple priorities

How can you manage a mix of priorities while still meeting the targets and expectations of artists, funders and line managers? How should you decide on your top priorities? This article describes how to manage your time effectively in order to achieve a balanced working pattern while still meeting all your objectives and deadlines.

Published: 2011 | Resource type: Guide/tools

National Theatre Wales Assembly events – taking theatre and discussion into the local community

National Theatre Wales creates bold, invigorating theatre in the English language, rooted in Wales and with an international reach. Without a building of their own, in their first year they focused on creating a series of new productions, each one in a different location, many of them site specific: the Theatre Map of Wales. Being a non-building-based theatre company has enabled ... Read more

Published: 2011 | Resource type: Case studies

Art and audiences – a changing relationship

Based around a case study of Theatre Passe Muraille, Canada’s oldest new work theatre, this explores what ‘audience engagement’ really is – should cultural organisations challenge themselves to reconsider the relationship they want with their communities? It considers how an organisation can engage a diverse community of people with its artistic work.

Published: 2012 | Resource type: Case studies

How participation is shaping the arts

The impact and implications of co-creation – how it is affecting the development of audiences, artists, performers and writers. Three case studies on participatory productions help to explore the theme.

Published: 2012 | Resource type: Case studies

AMA logo

Bringing marketing and programming together

The three case studies shared in this transcript from AMA conference 2012 offer inspiration for combining marketing and programming to maximise audience engagement.  

Published: 2012 | Resource type: Case studies

Art led and audience driven

How to develop an organisation that is artistically-led and audience focused.  Jodi Myers explains the importance of dialogue between the marketing and programming departments in arts organisations, seeing this as the key to developing ‘the audience for the art, and the art for the audience’.

Published: 1999 | Resource type: article

Developing audiences by bringing arts programming and arts marketing together

Jo Taylor, then Head of Marketing and Louise Miles Crust, Artistic Programme Manager – Wales Millennium Centre share their experience of the restructure of Wales Millennium Centre – bringing its arts and programming elements together.

Published: 2009 | Resource type: Case studies