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Digital fundraising ― getting started

In this Digital Heritage Lab webinar recording, Zoe Amar provides an introduction to digital fundraising. She looks at how to get started, how to improve your fundraising practice, tips for success, key pitfalls and how to measure success. This resource will give you the building blocks for digital fundraising.

Published: 2021 | Resource type: Webinars and films

The reconstituted cutaway view of the first Rose, by William Dudley, incorporating material by Jon Greenfield and C. Walter Hodges, taken from the guidebook, ‘The Rose, Bankside’s first theatre 1587’.

How online events had a positive impact on audience engagement and donations for a small heritage organisation

This case study is based on a session at Digital Heritage Lab’s Digital Skills Day, when David Johnson talked to Celia Gilbert from The Rose Playhouse in Southwark, London about the positive impact this small heritage organisation experienced since moving its events online.

Published: 2021 | Resource type: Case studies

Telling your story effectively — the Case for Support

Storytelling is an essential part of all fundraising.  You need to tell people why your cause is important, what differentiates it from others and what you need funding for.  Language, tone, audience and many other factors can affect the impact your story tells. In this Digital Heritage Lab webinar recording, Helen Jenkins explains the structure for ... Read more

Published: 2021 | Resource type: Webinars and films

Woman and man sitting in front of computer monitor

Digital skills for fundraising

Digital skills for fundraising have become even more important for all organisations. In this Digital Heritage Lab webinar recording Howard Lake provides practical ideas on what digital fundraising approaches and priorities to focus on in 2021. He highlights which skills will support digital fundraising in this digitally-led period — from data, social media marketing, and ... Read more

Published: 2020 | Resource type: Webinars and films

Person looking at paintings

Webinar: The current climate for online donations – conducting a temperature read

In this comprehensive webinar, Lucy Costello, Head of Marketing, Ticketsolve takes us through how we can change our objectives towards online fundraising and implement sensitive and meaningful online donation campaigns. Part of the Ticketing Professionals Conference (TPC) webinar series.

Published: 2020 | Resource type: Webinars and films