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Podcast: Kat François – communicating challenging topics

Hannah Mason, Head of Social Entrepreneur Support, Creative United talks to performance poet and writer, Kat François about communicating challenging topics.   One of a series of AMAculturehive podcasts commissioned for The Learning Lounge, AMA Arts Marketing Festival 2020.

Published: 2020 | Resource type: Podcasts

Managing Up. Blog 3. Tackling Imposter Syndrome

The third of a series of video and written conversations between creative coach Auriel Majumdar and journalist Nell Block discussing the challenges of managing up and internal agency. Auriel and Nell discuss the challenges of facing our Inner Critic and give practical ways to conquer Imposter Syndrome.

Published: 2020 | Resource type: Article

Managing Up. Blog 2. Letting go of perfection

The second of a series of video and written conversations between creative coach Auriel Majumdar and journalist Nell Block discussing the challenges of managing up and internal agency. Auriel and Nell discuss the challenges of letting go of perfection and how not to succumb to limiting assumptions of ourselves.

Published: 2020 | Resource type: Article

Managing Up. Blog 1. New Year, New You

The first of a series of video and written conversations between creative coach Auriel Majumdar and journalist Nell Block discussing the challenges of managing up and internal agency. Auriel and Nell de-bunk some myths, give lots of practical tips and look at how we can set goals in a more realistic, purposeful way. Nell starts ... Read more

Published: 2020 | Resource type: Guide/tools