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A montage of photos from Edinburgh Festivals programme.

Impact study: Unique Edinburgh Festivals programmes strengthen recovery

Independent research published  in June 2023 confirmed the huge contribution that Edinburgh’s Festivals make to the economic vitality of Edinburgh and Scotland. The latest study – conducted across the festivals in 2022 and surveying 22,000 people – shows that the Edinburgh Festivals continue to be Scotland’s world-leading cultural brands.

Published: 2023 | Resource type: Research

Let's Celebrate report cover

Let’s Celebrate 2017: The Cultural and Economic Contribution of Live Entertainment Events in Ireland

This ground-breaking piece of research explores the cultural and economic impact of live entertainment in Ireland. Discover the astounding figures and find out more about the economic methodology behind the research.

Published: 2017 | Resource type: Research

Corporate social responsibility and the arts

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is about how business takes account of its economic, social and environmental impacts in the way it operates. These guidelines explain the background to CSR, what it means in practice and how arts organisations can use its frameworks to initiate and develop partnerships with business.

Published: 2005 | Resource type: Guide/tools

The impact of culture on the northwest economy

Demonstrating the economic impact of culture has become increasingly more important. This study examines how culture is an integral part of the whole economic renaissance strategy to enhance growth and wealth across the northwest. You’ll find facts and figures along with supporting case studies to demonstrate the impact of the creative industries, regeneration, arts, museums, ... Read more

Published: 2005 | Resource type: Research

Practical guide to researching economic benefits for arts and cultural organisations

This practical guide takes a look at why arts and cultural organisations might want to measure economic benefit and gives a decision tree to follow to decide on the best method to adopt. Each of the four methods suggested is then discussed in detail, together with case studies of organisations that have used it. It ... Read more

Published: 2012 | Resource type: Guide/tools

Cultural Impact Study

The impact of the arts in Birmingham

A study to identify the economic contribution of the main arts organisations to the Birmingham economy and the impact they have on the image, profile and perceptions of the city and wider West Midlands region.

Published: 2009 | Resource type: Research

Love Museums pound coin illustration

The economic impact of museums and galleries

Make a strong case for your organisation with key facts about the economic impact of museums and galleries in this handy guide.

Published: 2013 | Resource type: Guide/tools

What are economic impact studies and how should you approach one?

This overview explains what and economic impact study is, what it measures, and the benefits and drawbacks of the model in evidencing the value of the arts and cultural sectors – useful for fundraisers, development professionals and in advocacy. It explains terminology and what to watch out for if commissioning a study.

Published: 2013 | Resource type: article