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Found 13 results

Revive your database with GDPR and Legitimate Interest
What would it mean to you if you could double the number of people your organisation was able to meaningfully engage with? Revive your database with GDPR and Legitimate Interest with this whitepaper by Ticketsolve.
Published: 2023 | Resource type: Guide/tools

Case study: Placing visitors at the centre of your launch
How the launch of a new venue, The Box in Plymouth, paved the way for a meaningful, long-term relationship with their community.
Published: 2022 | Resource type: Case studies

Segmenting your audience toolkit
In this toolkit, thrive, NI’s audience development agency, looks at how to segment your audience. It includes why segmentation is important, the types of data you need, what type of segmentation will work best for your organisation and a step-by-step checklist.
Published: 2022 | Resource type: Case studies

Covid-19 analysis of performing arts box office data
TRG Arts’ analysis of performing arts box office data at the one-year anniversary of the Covid-19 shutdown reveals catastrophic impact on both sides of the Atlantic. David Brownlee, Managing Director, Purple Seven, takes us through the findings.
Published: 2021 | Resource type: Article

Asking for Donations
An abstract from the Spektrix Insights Report 2019 that focuses on maximising individual donations.
Published: 2019 | Resource type: Research

GDPR – what is it and where to start
By now, you may have heard that GDPR is on the way, and have the nagging feeling that you probably should do something about it… Audience development agency Thrive share their quick and easy guide to what you need to know to get started.
Published: 2018 | Resource type: Guide/tools

Cart before the horse for CRM?
When thinking and talking about a CRM strategy don’t just focus on the IT implementation that is the customer database technology. A clear understanding of customer journeys and how a customer interacts with your organisation will help you align your internal business processes and CRM strategy with these interactions.
Published: 2015 | Resource type: article

An inside view on data and fundraising
This guide is based on an interview with Ben Park of Minor Tickets on how arts and cultural organisations should be using data effectively within fundraising. It considers database management and the benefit of linking data; CRM and software options; skills and experience needed to develop use of data; how data can inform planning and donor insights; and ... Read more
Published: 2015 | Resource type: Guide/tools

Inside the Datavores – summary document
This briefing summarises the findings of an analysis of the link between data activity and business performance in a sample of 500 UK companies that are active online. Big data has been touted as a vital resource for business but until now there has been little hard evidence of data’s positive impact on the bottom-line. ... Read more
Published: 2014 | Resource type: Research

Inside the datavores: the effect of data and online analytics
Big data has been touted as a vital resource for business but until now there has been little hard evidence of data’s positive impact on the bottom line. This full technical report describes the background, data, method and findings of an analysis of the link between data activity and business performance. Key Findings: Using data ... Read more
Published: 2014 | Resource type: Research

Audience data for touring companies – a practical guide
February 2015: New guidance on Data Protection is coming soon and information here will be updated as soon as possible For touring companies audience data – and who has access to it – is a contentious issue. This guide is primarily for touring companies, but venue staff might find it interesting to see the arguments from ... Read more
Published: 2014 | Resource type: Guide/tools

Using SMS to communicate with audiences
The Men’s Store opened in central Glasgow in 2004. It was one of the first salons in Glasgow to offer male only grooming. This article from outside the arts offers a few tips on the practicalities of using SMS to communicate with customers. Store Manager Matt Jameson shares what has worked, what hasn’t and what ... Read more
Published: 2013 | Resource type: article

Data protection – a guide for the arts sector
February 2015: New guidance on Data Protection is coming soon and information here will be updated as soon as possible A guide designed to assist managers, box office, marketing and fundraising staff in operating procedures for dealing with customers and their data. It gives guidance on how to provide good customer service while complying with the spirit ... Read more
Published: 1999 | Resource type: Guide/tools