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Arts Attendance in Northern Ireland 2023-24. Report front cover. Back of person with shoulder length curly hair staring at abstract painting in white-walled gallery.

IMPACT survey – impact measurement of people attending culture across Northern Ireland 2023-2024

This interim report explores the preliminary findings from thrive’s IMPACT survey, touching on the effects of the cost-of-living crisis, audiences motivations, advance bookings and more A report from thrive, the Northern Ireland charity which support arts, and heritage organisations to strengthen their relationship with audiences.

Published: 2024 | Resource type: Research

A drawing of an astronaut floating above a landscape of buildings.

Poverty proofing for families in the North East

Sallyanne Flemons, North East Family Arts Network Ambassador, shares learnings and insights from the three-year Family Arts Campaign Ambassador programme and its impact on both regional organisations and the families they support.

Published: 2023 | Resource type: Article

A report showing a bar chart and a line graph

The cost of living crisis and the social sector: planning for impact

Can data help us better understand the impact of rising prices on the social sector? Sarah Thelwall and Karl Wilding of data insight and strategy agency MyCake  look at the continuing implications as support is tapered down but costs continue to rise.

Published: 2023 | Resource type: Article

Two piles of coins. Three are being taken off the larger pile between a thumb and a finger.

Survey: Seeking Certainty – impact of the cost of living crisis

A summary of the Association of Independent Museums (AIM) survey of its members on the impact of the cost of living crisis.

Published: 2023 | Resource type: Research

The back of a young boy as he looks downa busy museum walkway that has display cases on either side.

Supporting families during the cost of living crisis

Kids in Museums outline how you can create a generous and welcoming offer for all families, children and young people in the face of the rising cost of living. Aimed at those working in the museum sector but lots of advice that applies to many venues.

Published: 2023 | Resource type: Guide/tools

A long paper shopping receipt showing thecost of a large food shop surrounded by tins and packets.

Weathering the cost-of-living storm across the UK

Research rings warning bells about the potential effects of the cost-of-living  crisis on already hard-pressed cultural organisation across the UK. Anne Torreggiani, CEO, The Audience Agency gives suggestions for how we can both brace for its impact and support our communities.

Published: 2023 | Resource type: Article

A spoon balances on a small calculator. A pile of coins rests in the spoon and a potato on the handle.

Impact of the cost-of-living crisis

Findings from The Audience Agency‘s Cultural Participation Monitor paint a predictably concerning picture of how people expect the cost-of-living crisis to affect their in-person cultural attendance.

Published: 2022 | Resource type: Research

A brown wallet held together tightly by a vice.

What does the cost of living crisis mean for cultural audiences?

Consumer confidence in the UK as a whole is at its lowest level since YouGov began recording in 2013. Alix Craig from thrive, Northern Ireland’s audience development agency drills down into the latest Experian research.

Published: 2022 | Resource type: Article