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Arts Engagement with older people and families

Twelve case studies of arts engagement projects working with older people and families in London. The case studies share the learning from Audiences London’s Family Advocates Programme, BAC’s work with non-professional older artists, a skills exchange with Building Exploratory, an architecture centre and Cubitt, a gallery and studios regarding work with older audiences, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra & Tate ... Read more

Published: 2011 | Resource type: Case studies

How and why businesses in and around Manchester are using Twitter

This guide shows how businesses use Twitter to market themselves and their work in Manchester, one of the most active Twitter communities in the country.  With clear illustrations of what the data on usage actually means, this analysis can help you to make sure you’re staying one step ahead of your competitors when using Twitter.

Published: 2010 | Resource type: Guide/tools

Harnessing communities to enrich online arts engagement

Discover new ways to engage audiences and visitors online between visits, and how research can give insights into why people participate on social networks. This resource highlights the benefits that engaging with people online can offer to arts and cultural organisations. It examines four ways of approaching content: consumption, interaction, curation and creation, and explores ... Read more

Published: 2008 | Resource type: article


How should staff of an organisation use social media ethically and protect the company’s reputation?

These guidelines from the Ford Motor Company for its staff are an at-a-glance summary of how to behave in the social media world in an ethical and responsible way , observing lines between the company and private views, honesty, good manners, and times when they might have to refer upwards. Useful for any arts marketer, ... Read more

Published: 2010 | Resource type: Guide/tools

Tate listen, learn and adapt to find a new way for audiences to engage digitally

This keynote provides an insight  into how Tate have listened, learned and adapted to review and redirect its online and social activity and found new and improved ways of engaging with its audience, taking them from 14,000 fans/likes to 140,000 on Facebook; and from 16,000 to 200,000 followers on Twitter. The team give an outline ... Read more

Published: 2010 | Resource type: Case studies

Word of mouth in the social media age

What makes people talk about culture? How can we get people talking about the arts, both online and offline? This discussion of word-of-mouth uses a case study of a Grayson Perry exhibition at the British Museum to explore strategies around buzz marketing, viral marketing, and identifying key influencers and opinion leaders – plus what happens ... Read more

Published: 2012 | Resource type: Guide/tools

Enhancing your word-of-mouth and viral marketing

Report on a session about enhancing word-of-mouth through storytelling, viral marketing and generating buzz, and how to transform this into an ongoing relationship.

Published: 2009 | Resource type: Case studies

Public engagement: to control or not control?

Transcript of a discussion on whether retaining full control of public engagement when managing community groups online is necessary.

Published: 2010 | Resource type: article

Influencing skills

A guide to influencing people, based on a practical workshop session exploring how to effectively manage a range of relationships – with suppliers and key stakeholders, within line management contexts, upwards and sideways within your organisation.

Published: 2010 | Resource type: Guide/tools