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Working together to increase revenue

Maximise every income stream with a collaborative approach to audience experience in the arts. This new ebook by Spektrix, Working Together to Increase Revenue, gives expert advice on uniting marketing, box office and fundraising teams to maximise revenue and support data-led strategy.

Published: 2023 | Resource type: Guide/tools

Together signover splattered paint on a wall

Considering co-creation

Discover what co-creation means, how it can help you actively listen to and collaborate with the local community and form new partnerships as well as helpful insight on putting it into practice. Explore the Heart of Glass and Battersea Arts Centre report and three podcasts with artists, producers, and collaborators.

Published: 2022 | Resource type: Podcasts

A young girl with hands and face covered in paint.

Creative People and Places: Governance and consortium working

This research gives an overview into consortia models used in the Creative People and Places programme. Witten by Catherine Bunting and Tom Fleming.

Published: 2022 | Resource type: Research

Mountains nd sea are reflected in the lens of a pair of sunglasses.A pair of sun

The top 5 digital trends for 2022

Katie Moffat from Substrakt predicts the top five digital trends that will be in focus across 2022: sustainability, accessibility, maximising income, collaboration, digital experiences.

Published: 2022 | Resource type: Article

14 hands thrust together. Another hand holds a red felt pen and is finishing colouring one of the hands to make a heart.

Collaboration: can you do more together than alone?

The Audience Agency leadership team shares its experience of the pains and gains of collaboration and partnership working.

Published: 2021 | Resource type: Article

Cooperative working to save the cultural workforce

The Catalyst Network says now is the time for more inter-team panning and delivery, to look beyond job titles and departments and not forget how organisations work with freelancers.

Published: 2020 | Resource type: Article

Could open data helps arts and culture listings – a discovery report.

This discovery report by Nesta and The Satori Lab started with a simple question: Can open data help to make arts and cultural listings more efficient whilst reaching new audience?

Published: 2019 | Resource type: Research

How can arts and culture listings be better?

Arts and culture listings are broken. Can open data help to make them better asks Rob Ashelford, Head of Y Lab  and Ben Proctor, The Satori Lab.

Published: 2019 | Resource type: Article

Behind the Scenes: Dorset Moon – one small step to giant success

In the final of three blogs looking behind the scenes at a major project across Dorset, arts marketer, Director of storytelling agency, Storiie and AMA member Laura Mulheron takes us through the final phase of Dorset Moon featuring Luke Jerram’s Museum of the Moon.

Published: 2019 | Resource type: Article

A huge full moon shines over several people who look tiny in comparison. Pictured inside a large museum space.

Behind the Scenes: To the moon and back – the collaboration of arts organisations to reach new heights

In the second of three blogs looking behind the scenes at a major project across Dorset, arts marketer and AMA member Laura Mulhern explores the importance of collaboration and partnerships.

Published: 2019 | Resource type: Research

How to Rewire your thinking

Lucy Jamieson, Head of Programme at the AMA explains how pooling resources, creativity and ideas rather than working in silos can bring about effective change.

Published: 2019 | Resource type: article

Road sign saying faster but slower slower but faster

Lessons on collaboration and relevance from Creative People and Places

Mark Robinson shares some of the key learning from across the Arts Council of England funded Creative People and Places projects in 2016.

Published: 2017 | Resource type: Research

Latino New South: case study in innovation and adaptive capacity

This US-based case study looks at the collaborative work of three organizations – Levine Museum of the New South, the Atlanta History Center, and the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute – and their shared innovation project, Latino New South. Latino New South was a project incubated through’s Innovation Labs for Museums programme. It is an ... Read more

Published: 2015 | Resource type: Case studies

Creative Festive Corporate Fundraising

Learn how Sherman Cymru approached local businesses for financial support to enable schools, particularly those  based in disadvantaged areas of the city, to attend their Christmas production.

Published: 2015 | Resource type: Case studies

Fundraising as an emerging artist

This case study examines how New Movement Collective, a unified group of new generation choreographers, have taken a highly collaborative approach towards fundraising to turn their work into a reality.

Published: 2015 | Resource type: Case studies

Creating a community of philanthropists united by a theme or collective

Discover what happened when Netherlands’ leading cultural organisations decide to unite forces and launch an international fundraising scheme as a collective.

Published: 2015 | Resource type: Case studies

Opportunities for alignment

This research paper highlights opportunities for collaboration between arts and cultural organisations and public sector commissioners. It provides an overview of the current cultural landscape, examines both the providers and commissioners perspectives and identifies the key areas where their interests match. This report also contains key recommendations and messages for public service providers, commissioners and ... Read more

Published: 2014 | Resource type: Research

Digital First logo

Digital glue — marketing and programming working together

Explore how marketing and programming teams can work together and how digital projects can bring together marketing, art and audience. This is a transcript from a session at Digital First, featuring presentations by Chloe Rickard from Kneehigh and Sarah Ellis from the Royal Shakespeare Company.

Published: 2013 | Resource type: Case studies

Creating a collaborative digital archive

Discover how a group of cultural organisations across Manchester created a collaborative digital archive, and used it to tell stories about the city’s experiences of the First World War through an app and website. Led by Imperial War Museum North, 26 galleries, libraries, archives and museums combined their collections and archives into one cohesive digital ... Read more

Published: 2014 | Resource type: Case studies

Cross border collaborative audience development project

This resource by Etre Associazione, a network of Italian performing arts companies, offers an outline of a cross border collaborative audience development project that is due to commence in 2015, involving theatre companies and audiences from Scotland, Catalonia, Flanders and Lombardy. The project will focus on developing a young audience (under 25) and will involve ... Read more

Published: 2014 | Resource type: Case studies