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An illustration of a goldfish leaping from a small bowl to a large bowl.

Impact strategy: theory of change guide and template

A theory of change (also known as a logic model) is the backbone for the strategy of any organisation. A comprehensive guide and template by Arts & Culture Finance by nesta.

Published: 2023 | Resource type: Guide/tools

AMA Digital Marketing Day 2018: Anne Lise Kjaer

One of three, 5-minute screencasts for AMA Digital Marketing Day 2018.

Published: 2018 | Resource type: Article

Anti Apathy: Engaging and exercising choice

What makes so many people in the UK dismissive about politics to the point where only about 50% intend to vote in the next election. Is it apathy or is it an issue of trust? This short paper introduces Anti Apathy, a cultural campaign designed to connect the politically drained and disengaged citizens with key ... Read more

Published: 2004 | Resource type: Guide/tools

The impact of changing demographics on the arts

There is substantial evidence that significant demographic changes will have had a demonstrable impact on the arts by 2025. A growing, ageing, and better-educated population, with more non-traditional households and new ideas about community mean the arts will have to adapt to remain relevant. This report provides an overview of some research into this area.

Published: 2005 | Resource type: Research

Cultural diversity in a democratic society

This article examines the impact of cultural diversity on national cultural institutions. It considers whether, long used to defending a particular set of cultural values, they can transform themselves into defenders of democratic cultural participation.

Published: 2006 | Resource type: article

19th Century artforms at the dawn of the 21st

Throughout the last century, the pinnacle of the performing arts was generally considered to be the big lyric forms which dominated the 19th: opera, ballet and orchestral music. But is it a given that these will continue to occupy the same position? Many question that premise, concerned that the large, permanent organisations which have been ... Read more

Published: 2006 | Resource type: article

The Art of Living

In a follow-up to The Art of Dying, this article surveys the challenges and opportunities facing funding practice across the whole cultural sector. In a thorough and stimulating survey of arts and cultural organisations and all four funding communities, this is the first synthesis of all the funding issues the sector faces.

Published: 2007 | Resource type: article


How a ground-breaking campaign changed Scottish women’s behaviour

This non-arts case study demonstrates how an innovative behaviour change campaign from the Scottish Government and The Leith Agency led to a 50% increase in women acting early on the symptoms of breast cancer by going to the doctor.  In an advertising first, the campaign boldly used images of real women’s breasts with visible signs ... Read more

Published: 2013 | Resource type: Case studies

Change for the better: developing audiences

This article includes two case studies from Tyne & Wear Museums and macrobert. Each author looks at how they made integral changes to their organisation in order to develop new and diverse audiences. From improving the overall visitor experience through to developing venue brands; and setting up youth panels through to developing a children’s charter, ... Read more

Published: 2013 | Resource type: Case studies

Insight required front cover

Changing arts audiences in the 21st century

Morris Hargreaves McIntyre detail seven pillars for arts organisations to potentially transform their audience development focus: vision-led, brand-driven, outcome-orientated, inter-disciplinary, insight-guided, interactively-engaged, and personalised.

Published: 2008 | Resource type: article

How to effect organisational change by sharing research

This case study looks at how visitor research can be used to help create a shared language and understanding about visitors across an organisation and provide the impetus for change. The case study highlights the benefit of using research as a springboard for audience development and clear communication with visitors and colleague, how to lift ... Read more

Published: 2009 | Resource type: Case studies

Organisational change

A case study of organisational change at the Royal Shakespeare Company, guided by their ensemble principles: Emotions are important – acknowledge them Leaders are at the heart of a network, not at the top of a pyramid The realisation of creativity rests on collaboration Conceptual simplicity is the best response to organisational and contextual complexity Key ... Read more

Published: 2010 | Resource type: Case studies

How to lead organisational change with limited authority

In any role staff have the potential to successfully lead organisational change. This article provides the theory behind leading with limited authority, including key factors such as understanding barriers or dealing with the sources of resistance to innovation. The author argues that if arts organisations continue as they are – resisting change and innovation – then our ... Read more

Published: 2009 | Resource type: article

How marketers can exploit current and emerging trends in a changing society

Marketers need to understand the current economic, political, technological and social environment that affects their audiences’ behaviour and consumption. This article describes the impact that polarization is having on audiences, how it is affecting organisations and what marketers can do to exploit current trends. The author argues that organisations need to tailor their marketing mix ... Read more

Published: 2010 | Resource type: Research

How the changing economy affects the arts

What challenges do arts organisations face as a result of changes in the economy? This article looks at how organisations can transform to cope with change and become resilient, while focusing on long-term social and cultural goals.

Published: 2011 | Resource type: article

Managing change

Report from an AMA away day on developing an audience focused organisation.

Published: 2000 | Resource type: article