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Performers on a stage

Arts Adventurers: finding and creating community advocates to support marketing and data collection

A useful guide by Creative Scene sharing their work on creating community ambassadors to increase audiences from segments of lower engagement, build audience capacity at neighbourhood venues and increase data collection at events.

Published: 2020 | Resource type: Guide/tools

Capacity Building

In this Prosper resource Gill Thewlis explores the concept of Capacity Building within the context of the arts, cultural and heritage sector; and provides a seven-point approach to building capacity in organisations.

Published: 2018 | Resource type: Guide/tools

Arts Engagement with older people and families

Twelve case studies of arts engagement projects working with older people and families in London. The case studies share the learning from Audiences London’s Family Advocates Programme, BAC’s work with non-professional older artists, a skills exchange with Building Exploratory, an architecture centre and Cubitt, a gallery and studios regarding work with older audiences, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra & Tate ... Read more

Published: 2011 | Resource type: Case studies

Encouraging higher levels of philanthropy in the arts

The Philanthropy in the Arts Agenda was launched in December 2010 and advocated a wide range of aspirations and proposals for encouraging higher levels of philanthropy to arts organisations. In 2011, arts organisations shared views on key aspects of the Agenda at that time. A year on, and Arts Quarter return to the cultural community to ... Read more

Published: 2012 | Resource type: Research

Test drive the arts: an introduction

The ‘Test Drive the Arts’ concept is about utilising spare capacity in arts venues (which generate nil income) to give potential attenders a ‘taste’ of the product in order to stimulate repeat attendance (and thus generating income in venues where a charge is levied). This groundbreaking study evaluates performance against objectives including: targeting 25,000 new ... Read more

Published: 1999 | Resource type: Research


Pricing strategies for growth

Debbie Richards takes a look at the income debate and some of the finance generating strategies that organisations are employing globally to increase their sales and income.  This incorporates discussion of ‘revenue management’, ‘yield management’ and ‘dynamic pricing’ to increase box office income. The key principle of revenue management (RM) being to adjust price differentials in response to ... Read more

Published: 2010 | Resource type: article

How to utilise spare capacity to stimulate repeat attendance

This report provides a summary of the Test Drive: North West audience development project which looked at how venues could increase repeat attendance using spare capacity. Using telemarketing, potential attenders where given a chance to ‘try before you buy’ with the offer of free tickets providing an opportunity to capture personal data and profile their ... Read more

Published: 1999 | Resource type: Research

The experience of Bay Chamber Performing Arts in analysing and altering their pricing structure

This case study sets out for arts marketers and box office managers the analysis done on existing and past ticket prices and purchaser patterns, and the changes made to increase the percentage capacity of tickets sold.

Published: 2008 | Resource type: Case studies

Lessons for the arts to adapt and remain resilient under pressure

This substantial report looks at theories behind a ‘resilient, adaptive ecology’ and applies them to the arts ecology at a time of increasing funding stress and change for nearly all arts organisation. It aims to: • explore the relevance of resilience thinking to the arts • suggest a basic or simplified hypothetical version of an ... Read more

Published: 2010 | Resource type: Research