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Report: Heritage Access 2022
A VocalEyes, in partnership with Stagetext, Autism in Museums and the Centre for Accessible Environments report highlighting the importance of online access information for the UK museum and heritage sector. It also tracks the changes in the state of access over the past four years from 2018 to 2022.
Published: 2022 | Resource type: Research

Making your conference presentations more accessible for blind or partially sighted people
A useful guide by VocalEyes on making your presentations more accessible to blind or partially-sighted people. Many of the tips will help make your presentations more inclusive generally, including for people who are not fluent in the language you speak, and people with different learning styles.
Published: 2021 | Resource type: Guide/tools

Accessing Access
Paul O’Donnell is a solo theatre maker and over the past year, has been using Talking Birds‘ accessibility tool The Difference Engine to deliver captioning and audio description on every performance of the UK tour of his show We’ve Got Each Other. With funding from Arts Council England, he has created a resource pack for ... Read more
Published: 2020 | Resource type: Guide/tools

How can your museum better welcome families and young people who are blind and partially sighted?
This guide by Kids in Museums offers simple ideas to help overcome the hurdles faced by those with visual impairment in visiting museums and cultural heritage sites.
Published: 2019 | Resource type: Guide/tools