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Through one lens of an upturned pair of specs a whole city landscape emerges.

Next level digital marketing

A collection of resources from the industry-leading arts and culture CRM solution, Tessitura.  These continue the discussion following their Next Level Marketing session at AMA’s Digital Marketing Day 2023. Insight and practical solutions on digital transformation, digital strategy and creating a data-driven culture.

Published: 2023 | Resource type: Essential reads

A slice of watermelon cut in the shape of a heart.

Audiences at the Heart: Supercool collection

Supercool love crafting websites and digital strategies that make life easier for arts, cultural and heritage organisations – and your audiences. They also love sharing – whether that’s practical tips to improve digital accessibility, things they’ve learnt about how to be more digitally sustainable, or just generally useful/interesting sector-related things. Here’s a treasure-trove of free ... Read more

Published: 2023 | Resource type: Guide/tools

Hands painted with a map of the world against a sky of data

Audience behaviours are changing. Leveraging customer networks in a digital world.

When was the last time you examined the myriad journeys your customers take with your organisation? Erin Lively Koppel, Chief Strategy Officer at Tessitura Network outlines five key factors to guide your thoughts about customer interaction in a digital world.

Published: 2023 | Resource type: Article

Group of people taking part in an activity.

Digital Access and Inclusion — Getting started

This webinar recording is one of four Digital Heritage Lab webinars that took place in April and May 2020 to provide free support to small and medium sized heritage organisations during the COVID-19 pandemic.  In this webinar Becki Morris and Sarah Simcoe look at understanding and removing the barriers to digital inclusion; roles and responsibilities; ... Read more

Published: 2020 | Resource type: Webinars and films

Culture in Lockdown. Part 2: The seven pillars of audience-focus

In the second of three think-pieces, Andrew McIntyre argues that rather than looking backwards in an effort to re-create the way we were, this crisis presents us with a unique opportunity to take a leap forwards. Here he shares The 7 Pillars of Audience-focus, a framework to help us do that.

Published: 2020 | Resource type: Article

Culture in Lockdown. Part 1: We can do digital, can we do strategy?

In this first of three Think Pieces, Andrew McIntyre, Morris Hargreaves McIntyre (MHM) argues  that the phenomenal effort we’re all putting into giving audiences access to our digital content needs to be re-framed as a series of radical experiments that can make our post-Covid organisations far more audience-focused.

Published: 2020 | Resource type: Article

The Performing Artist’s Audience Workbook

An audience workbook for performing artists written by Lisa Baxter, The Experience Business and beautifully illustrated by Philippe Brasseur. Designed by Creative Scotland. Supported by The National Lottery through Creative Scotland. Created to inform the ‘audience benefit’ element of Creative Scotland’s Touring Fund application its uses aren’t limited to just that. It can be used in many ways and ... Read more

Published: 2020 | Resource type: Guide/tools

Rows of brown seats with one read seat in the middle. A teddy bear holding a red balloon sits on the red seat

How to… develop audience personas

This guide and template created by Thrive will help you identify your ideal audiences.

Published: 2018 | Resource type: Guide/tools

Not for the likes of you Part 2

Not for the Likes of You – Part 2 (training video)

This training video is based on the Action Research project Not for the likes of you, which carried out a study of 32 cultural organisations that have successfully become accessible to a wider audience by changing their overall positioning and message.

Published: November 2012 | Resource type: Guide/tools

Urban Playground performing Steam

Urban Playground: involving audiences

The Urban Playground Team share their experience of involving audiences in the creative process and building positive relationships with funders.

Published: 2016 | Resource type: Case studies

A new audience for contemporary music article image

A contemporary music concert for children

In this JAM article Malgorzata Zamorska evaluates the success of the concert Kwartludium in Wonderland in opening a door to contemporary music for children.

Published: 2014 | Resource type: article

Producing an audience-focused festival

Luoghi Comuni 2014 – “Play with us” was the sixth edition of a festival organised each year by Etre Associazione (a network of Italian performing arts companies).  The 2014 festival took place in Mantova.  Participating companies were given the remit of producing (or adapting) theatre that would bring performers closer to their audience to create ... Read more

Published: 2014 | Resource type: Case studies

Innovate, motivate and captivate audiences

This guide was developed by the US nonprofit National Arts Marketing Project – a programme of Americans for the Arts, and is full of innovative case studies and fresh, bold ideas to boost audience development and revenue. Inviting naked cyclists into a museum to find new audiences? Bringing art to the local laundromat to promote ... Read more

Published: 2013 | Resource type: Guide/tools

Using Culture Segments to understand the New Zealand arts, culture and heritage audiences

This research undertaken in 2011 by Morris Hargreaves McIntyre on behalf of Creative New Zealand, uses two sector specific products Audience Atlas and Culture Segments to identify and understand arts, culture and heritage audiences in New Zealand. The research is designed to help arts, culture and heritage organisations to target, reach and engage with new audiences and meet ... Read more

Published: 2011 | Resource type: Research

How can a community based dance company be successful in the 21st century

In this white paper Ballet Memphis and National Arts Strategies (USA) share the findings of the initial stage of fact finding work that set out to ‘reinvent’ Ballet Memphis by ‘building bridges to new communities and planning a variety of sustainable scenarios for the future business model’.  It gives a fascinating insight into the questions ... Read more

Published: 2008 | Resource type: Case studies

Understanding disabled people as audiences

A report looking at how cultural organisations can better understand disabled people as audiences, the barriers they may face and how they access the sector. This research-based report includes data on audience behaviour, as well as an analysis of the barriers that must be overcome, such as access, and how those involved in audience development ... Read more

Published: 2013 | Resource type: Research

Redefining audience segmentation

An article, The Unusual Suspects, contextualises arts audience segmentation but also seeks to provide a new model for the 21st century based on key understandings about how audiences want to engage with the arts and how they want to be communicated with. The Culture Segments segmentation model presents eight segments that offer a common language ... Read more

Published: 2010 | Resource type: article

How marketing insight can influence creative strategy

What do you get when 12 leading arts innovators get together in a room to discuss audience engagement with artistic excellence?  Answer: a thought provoking, insightful and creative view of modern programming, marketing and communication practices in the arts, where value, quality and excellence take centre stage.

Published: 2009 | Resource type: Guide/tools

How to be friends with your audience and your artistic director

An essential guide to learning how to speak fluent ‘Artistic Director’, enabling you to build a positive working relationship with the person who programmes your venue.  Respecting each others skills and experience, putting art and audiences on an equal footing, using the audience to influence programming policy and allowing real and authentic CRM practices to ... Read more

Published: 2009 | Resource type: Guide/tools

Using action research to inform customer communications

How action research can help an organisation develop a better understanding of its visitors, broaden its audiences and explore new ways of communicating with them. Based on a case study of West Yorkshire Playhouse’s recently-launched programme of audience-focused action research.

Published: 2012 | Resource type: Case studies