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Creating a collaborative digital archive
Discover how a group of cultural organisations across Manchester created a collaborative digital archive, and used it to tell stories about the city’s experiences of the First World War through an app and website. Led by Imperial War Museum North, 26 galleries, libraries, archives and museums combined their collections and archives into one cohesive digital ... Read more
Published: 2014 | Resource type: Case studies

How NHS Scotland revamped their evaluation processes and channels
Take a look at this non-arts case study for a brief overview of how NHS Scotland revamped their evaluation processes and channels. NHS Scotland invested in an app to help them capture patients’ digital stories via video based questionnaires. They also developed an innovative online research package that allows children, their families and carers to express ... Read more
Published: 2013 | Resource type: Case studies

How to develop a great iPad app
As part of the celebrations in 2013 to mark the centenary of the birth of Benjamin Britten, one of the best known composers of the 20th Century, the Britten-Pears Foundation produced an online interactive resource and an iPad app based around one of his best known orchestral works: The Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra. The ... Read more
Published: 2013 | Resource type: Case studies

How mobile can reach out to a non-traditional arts audience
Background In early 2011 Thought Den were commissioned to produce a playful mobile-based experience to take Tate’s collection of artworks beyond the physical walls of the gallery. Their previous app, Tate Trumps, was hailed as a game-changer and demonstrated public appetite for mobile experiences. Magic Tate Ball was designed to appeal to more casual mobile ... Read more
Published: 2013 | Resource type: Case studies

How to develop a successful mobile app
National Museums Scotland formally launched its Museum Explorer mobile app in October 2012. The app is available to download on iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad and challenges visitors to discover and explore the museum by tracking down nine mystery objects to find 4-digit codes to unlock special explorer badges. Collecting all nine badges enables visitors to become the ... Read more
Published: 2013 | Resource type: Case studies

Marketing using visual effects and augmented reality
Discover how a digital agency created a web-based augmented reality app to raise awareness of the film, The Hobbit, and boost ticket sales. Targeting Hobbit franchise fans, Tolkien fans, web and social media users, Play Nicely created an experience which let you become a dwarf from the Hobbit universe, and record and share video with friends.
Published: 2013 | Resource type: Case studies

Developing apps to raise awareness and drive exhibition attendance
A case study following the development of the Museum of London’s iPhone and iPad app to coincide with their Dickens and London exhibition. Explains the background to the project, the objectives behind creating an app, the process of building the app, and the outcomes. Discover what the museum discovered around app pricing and driving footfall ... Read more
Published: 2013 | Resource type: Case studies

Creating an app to increase engagement and grow audiences
The London Orchestral Marketing Consortium worked with developer Kodime to create an app, Student Pulse, which combined paperless ticketing, a loyalty scheme, social sharing functions and geolocation services. By looking at the motivations and attendance patterns of their target audience – students – the consortium worked out what was needed for an effective app. This ... Read more
Published: 2013 | Resource type: Case studies

How to use handheld technology well in museum and arts settings
A roundup of research into the use of handheld devices at museums and cultural venues across the world, with short case studies of some organisations’ experiences. The author also gives his top eight issues to pay attention to when creating and launching a handheld device operation, including apps, from guarding the quality of the visitor ... Read more
Published: 2010 | Resource type: Guide/tools

How MoMA integrates mobile into the communications mix to engage audiences
A keynote speech describing MoMA’s progress with mobile technology, from audio guides to integrated and sophisticated apps on multiple platforms, and now QR codes. Arts marketers can learn from the experience of a leading museum, what audiences like, what they don’t like, and what has driven increased visitor engagement. Also what the benefits have been ... Read more
Published: 2011 | Resource type: Case studies

Using mobile marketing to engage new audiences
Mobile is becoming a crucial part of the marketing mix. Mike Saunders, of visual art app Artfinder, looks at why this is, and how mobile can be used to reach new and existing audiences and visitors.
Published: 2012 | Resource type: article

The changing role of the marketer
A transcript from a presentation at the 2010 AMA conference by Penguin Digital. The changing role of the marketer – push vs pull marketing.
Published: 2010 | Resource type: article