Centre for Cultural Value Resources

Editor’s pick

A group of people stood together on a grassy bank by a river in a town at dusk. One person is talking to the group. They are stood by an ancient wall.
Common Cause. Creative Lives/The Stove. Kirsten McEwan Photography.

Research digest: Environmental heritage and place

This research digest draws together the current research on the relationship between cultural heritage, environments and place and what this means for organisations, practitioners, policymakers and funders.


Latest resources

Sharing learning: How funders can support impactful research collaborations
Fun Palaces – Creative Cafe @ The Bureau Centre for the Arts, Blackburn 2022. Photo: Scott David Jackson

Sharing learning: How funders can support impactful research collaborations

Three people looking at a piece of outdoor public art. The artwork is made up of larger notebook pages. The page to the front of the image has the text: to leaf is
To Leaf is to Learn - public art by Juanjo Novella and Simon Armitage (Photo by Mark Webster)

Research Digest: Culture and placemaking

Photo of a boat on a body of water with fireworks behind it, at night. People in silhouette watching from the edge of the water.
Image: Derry-Londonderry 2013 (Derry City & Strabane District Council)

How are UK Cities and Capitals of Culture evaluated?

Musician wearing a coat plays trumpet on a pebbly beach with the Humber Bridge in the background.
The Height of the Reeds, Opera North (Hull 2017) Photo: Tom Arber

People and processes: who’s behind evaluations of UK Cities and Capitals of Culture?

A crowd of people in an urban setting watch two actors perform. One is dressed as an astronaut and is holding the other on their shoulders. The second actor is reaching up to the sky.
© Without Wall's Urban Astronaut, Wakefield Council. Photo: Andrew Benge

My essential reads: the role of culture in place-based development

A person wearning headphones and holding up a mobile phone, in an ornate building. They are listening to an audio tour.
Opera North's As You Are in the County Arcade, Leeds 2023. Photo: Justin Slee.

UK Cities and Capitals of Culture evaluation reports: a quick guide

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Three people sat a table together. They are working on laptops and smiling

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The Centre for Cultural Value and the Arts Marketing Association’s knowledge hub, culturehive are working together to help create a better understanding of the differences that culture makes to people’s lives. Find out more about the work of the Arts Marketing Association.