Research digest: Young people’s mental health
What is the impact of arts and cultural activities on the mental health and wellbeing of young people?
In our latest research digest, we summarise the evidence in this key topic area. An essential read for practitioners working with young people.

The Centre for Cultural Value and the Arts Marketing Association’s knowledge hub, culturehive are working together to help create a better understanding of the differences that culture makes to people’s lives.
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How to … create intimate and intense ‘classical music’ experiences

How to … amplify diverse voices in research and evaluation
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How to… guides
Broker a successful academic partnership
Are you interested in working with academics to create new knowledge and amplify understanding?
Co-commission research
Have you ever wanted to do research but didn’t have either the resources or expertise to do it alone? If the answer is yes, this guide might be what you’re looking for.
My essential reads
Cultural democracy
What is cultural democracy and how have ideas about cultural democracy – from the radical to the pragmatic – influenced policy and practice?
Co-creating value though audience engagement
How can cultural value be co-created with audiences in a democratic and collaborative way?
Value(s) in cultural participation
Are you thinking about participation and the different values we all bring to our experience of culture?
Understanding audiences
When we think about audience research, are we hoping to engage people who are new to the arts, deepen the experience of those who already attend, or demonstrate the cultural value of live arts events?